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你是香橙心中最爱的老大。You are the boss curacao hearts.

你给香橙的爱是唯一的。You give the love is only curacao.

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你是香橙唯一想守护一生的老大。You are the only want to protect life curacao boss.

库拉索岛是主岛荷属安的列斯群岛。Curacao is the main island of the Netherlands Antilles.

第七十二页荷兰西印度群岛,圭亚那和苏里南和库拉索岛。Page 72 Netherlands West Indies, Guyana or Surinam and Curacao.

阿鲁巴岛,博内尔岛还有库拉索岛位于隆起之上,因此会幸存下来。Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao ride on the hump, and thus will survive.

杯中倒入橘子汁,半杯冰块,加入伏特加,和蓝柑桔甜酒。Add orange juice. Fill glass half full with ice. Add vodka and Blue Curacao.

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这赌场是拥有特勒加工有限公司,目前在库拉索岛的基础。This casino is owned by Teller Processing LTD and is currently based in Curacao.

约翰尼的传说黑尔蒙德从库拉索岛是9月4日击败波多黎各选手哈维尔德耶稣。Johnny The Legend Hellmund from Curacao was defeated 9-4 by Puerto Rican Player Javier de Jesus.

非常相近的,同样有一款可可,苦艾和柑橘利口味的叫做彩虹的利口酒。Confusingly enough, there was also a liqueur named pousse-cafe flavoured with cacao, anisette and curacao.

由红葡萄和带有柠檬汁的白兰地有时候是由雪利酒或柑桂酒和新鲜水果制成的鸡尾酒。A punch made of claret and brandy with lemon juice and sugar and sometimes sherry or curacao and fresh fruit.

银石赛道是内华达州的鲍恩机会,这是注册持牌,全资拥有的公司,并在库拉索监管。Silverstone is a wholly owned company of Bonne Chance NV, which is incorporated, licensed, and regulated in Curacao.

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的控制之下,荷兰自17世纪以来,库拉索岛兴建,作为一个宾至如归为殖民者。Under control of the Netherlands since the 17th century , Curacao was constructed as a home away from home for colonizers.

前在混合入高脚杯,上加冰镇的香槟酒,杯口用蓝香橙沾湿后涂上糖边。Stir the first 3 ingredients in a goblet with ice and top with champagne. Coat the rim of the glass with Blue Curacao and bar sugar.

特别添加的库拉索芦荟精华,有效柔软美白肌肤,改善皮肤松驰,还能保持皮肤湿润妖嫩。Add the special Curacao aloe cream, soft and effective skin whitening to improve the skin relaxation, but also to keep skin moisture.

对库拉索芦荟试管苗增殖技术体系改良及壮苗定植体系的建立进行了研究。Technological system of test-tube plantlet multiplication and the establishment of the permanent planting system of Curacao Aloe were studied.

库拉索岛是一个完美的位置,这样的比赛,因为有直接联系,航空公司与欧洲,美国和该地区。Curacao is a perfect location for such a tournament, because there are direct airline connections with Europe, the United States and the region.

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杯入一半小方冰,入兰姆及香橙酒,入杯一半凤梨汁另一半入碳酸苏打,轻轻搅动服务。Fill lower half of glass with ice cubes. Add rum and curacao. Fill glass half with pineapple juice, and half with Sprite. Stir slightly and serve.

根据安排,广东振戎将带领库拉索访团进行为期一周的考察与合作洽谈。According to the arrangement, GDZR will lead the Curaçao delegation to make investigation and have cooperation negotiation, which will last a week.

雨水为什么会莫名其妙地在避开阿鲁巴岛博内尔岛和库拉索岛和委内瑞拉与哥伦比亚的同时,径直走向巴拿马的达连港地区?Somehow the rain simply avoids Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao as well as Venezuela and Colombia while on a straight line toward the Darien Region of Panama?