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她被响声弄醒了。She was awoken by the noise.

你惊醒了一个沉睡的巨人。You have awoken a sleeping giant.

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一群传说中的恶魔即将被唤醒。And a legendary evil will be awoken.

一个丑陋邪恶吵醒,在被遗忘的境界。A hideous evil has awoken in the Forgotten Realms.

最终,驯鹿的鼻息声吵醒了他。Finally, he was awoken by the sound of snorting reindeer.

然后我就被吓醒了,我知道世界上根本没有魔笔。Then I was scared awoken. I know that in the world there is no magic pen.

无论如何你和你的日本狗已经把这个真正伟大的东方巨龙唤醒了!However you and your dog japan have awoken THEGREAT TRUE DRAGON OF THE EAST!

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最近几次沙尘暴让人们意识到了环境保护的重要性。The recent sand storms have awoken people to the importance of environment protection.

虽然她听出了是她老板的声音,但十五年来他从未在夜间打电话把她叫醒过。Although she recognized her boss's voice, in fifteen years she had never been awoken by him.

道格在遥远的树林里的一个例行情节,直到他被一个震撼的崩溃醒来。Doug's in the remote woods for a routine episode, until he's awoken by an earth-shaking crash.

上校从沉思中游离出来,将注意力集中到桌子上的一个像框上。When the captain was awoken from his meditation, his mind was focused on a framework on the table.

但是奖况已经改变了,邪恶在魔多蠢蠢欲动,至尊魔戒被唤醒了,它听到主人的召唤。But on longer, Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor. The Ring has awoken . It's heard its master's call.

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她的部队在凌晨两点叫醒了那家人,随后把他们的房子“搜了个底朝天”,结果没有发现任何武器。The family were awoken at 2am by soldiers who "turned their whole house inside out". No weapons were found.

前夜作了一个奔波生计的梦,醒来后暗暗地决定。One night I had a nightmare, running whole night for unobtainable thing. I made a decision when I was awoken.

最终,驯鹿的鼻息声吵醒了他。一群拉普兰人到来了,并在德军的炮火声中把他带回了瑞典。Finally, he was awoken by the sound of snorting reindeer. A group of Laps had arrived, and under German fire, they dragged him to Sweden.

如今,住客们声称见到她戴着她那条绿色的头巾在农庄里徘徊,并曾经醒来看到她的脸就在床边盯着他们看。Today, guests claim to see her wandering the plantation in her green turban and have awoken to see her face staring at them from beside the bed.

觉醒的藩国文士除了有意识地远离政治外,将更多的精力用于文学,使文学产生一些新的特征。The awoken scholars of vassal states kept away from politics consciously and concentrated more energy into literature, binging it new characteristics.

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Ellenbogen写给Wired.com邮件中说,“我们睡眠过程中大脑神经元是非常忙碌的,在进行非常复杂的处理。During sleep, our neurons are busy doing very complicated processing, including, this study shows, generating sleep spindles to protect us from being awoken from noises in the environment.