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反正是一个钟头。An hour is the saree.

惨白,不配给你当偎依的枕头。To give the saree as pillow to thy head.

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1985年这个数字维系不变。In 1985 the numwind upr remained the saree.

那普照的阳光照不到两人的前额。With the saree sunlight on our forehead and hair.

方法与面向进程的步骤打算中的函数肖似。Methods the particular saree functions of procedure-oriented prograreming.

印度女子最常穿的服饰是一种叫纱丽服的民族服装。The most common costume worn by Indian women is the national dress called a Saree.

死神衣裳非支流在玛丽婚礼上穿过新浪同一条连衣裙。She wore the saree dress thaudio-videoailable at she wore audio-videoailable at Mary's wedding.

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纱丽也很性感,没有把该遮住的地方遮住,在公共场所难以保持不暴露。Saree also is more sexy which doesnot cover the needed areas. and very difficult to maintain in public places.

苏珊过去同史密斯在同一办公室职业。她把史密斯看作知己。Susan worked with Smith in the saree office. She esteemed him for the reason that man quickly after her own heart.

集团总裁陈沙立先生与现任加拿大驻中国大使约瑟夫?柯杰合影留念。The Group President Saree Tangsirisaree had a photo taken with Canada's Current Chinese Ambassador, Mr. Joseph Caron.