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因此怀俄明州被称为“牛仔州”。So Wyoming is the Cowboy State.

夏米尔还活着,在怀俄明州的牲口棚里。Shamire lives in the barn in Wyoming.

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他还记得怀俄明的冬天给他带来的震撼。He recalls his shock at the Wyoming winter.

钱尼正在怀俄明州家乡度假。Cheney was vacationing at his home in Wyoming.

汉克两眼凝视着明亮、湛蓝的怀俄明天空。His eyes stared out into the bright blue Wyoming sky.

1868年,国会通过了创造怀俄明疆土的行动。In 1868, Congress passed an act creating the Wyoming Territory.

在美国的怀俄明州发现过依拉丝莫龙的化石。Bones of Elasmosaurus have been found in the United States in Wyoming.

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在黑山和大霍恩山脉之间,我们穿越了第一个怀俄明。We crossed the first Wyoming between the Black Hills and the Big Horns.

但你不一定知道怀俄明州还有另外一个名称“平等之城”吧?But did you know that Wyoming is also known as "The Equality State"?Yup.

爱达荷、蒙大拿和怀俄明三州计划将灰狼列入狩猎比赛类猎物。Montana and Wyoming plan to allow the animal to be hunted as trophy game.

“这个农场主,”他解释道,“拥有俄怀明州该死的近一半的土地。”"The rancher, " He explained. "Owns blamed near half of Wyoming Territory.

享有盛誉的电影导演达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基执导了最新即将在怀俄明州上映的广告片。Acclaimed filmmaker Darren Aronofsky directed the latest TV ads in Wyoming.

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这一切都是那么熟悉,猛然让我想起了怀俄明州的牧场。It all felt so familiar and powerfully reminded me of the ranch in Wyoming.

有人说是敲诈,怀俄明州政府更愿意称之为无奈之举。Some might call it blackmail. The governor of Wyoming calls it desperation.

尸体的发现地点是大风河,位于怀俄明州高速公路789号桥下方。Thee body was found in the Big Wind River under the Wyoming Highway 789 Bridge.

爱达荷、蒙大拿和怀俄明三州计划将灰狼列入狩猎比赛类猎物。Idaho , Montana and Wyoming plan to allow the animal to be hunted as trophy game.

科学探险队在1870和1871年间来到位于怀俄明州西北角的这块地方。Scientific expeditions visited this northwest corner of Wyoming in 1870 and 1871.

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科学探险队在1870年和1871年两次来到位于怀俄明州西北角的这块地方。Scientific expeditions visited this northwest corner of Wyoming in 1870 and 1871.

蜿蜒的河流向着多树的平原通过在宏伟的提顿国家公园,怀俄明州。The Snake River wends through wooded flats in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

西部的怀俄明州曾经是往东部运牛的地区。The western state of Wyoming was once an area where cattle were transported east.