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所以我向维兹尔您报告这些控诉,我发誓所听到的都是真的。I am therefore reporting these charges to you, the Vizier.

其次是维西尔与法老王权之间的关系问题。Second one is on the relationship of the vizier and the royal power.

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在明年夏天穆拉德三奖励奥斯曼厄尔使他大总督。The next summer Murad III rewarded Osman by making him grand vizier.

当天晚上,他给维兹尔写了封信,信的副本保存在记录里面。That night, he writes to the Vizier. A copy of his letter survives in the records.

谢尔库赫被任命为新的维齐尔,他也给予萨拉丁一个高级行政职务。Shirkuh was appointed the new vizier and gave Saladin a high administrative position.

大臣听到这个很不高兴,因为他想让公主嫁给他的儿子。The Vizier did not like to hear this, because he wanted the Princess to marry his son.

大臣把阿拉丁的母亲带到苏丹的面前,她俯首贴地拜倒在苏丹的脚前。The Vizier took Aladdin's mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on the ground at his feet.

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一个大臣听到这件事后马上到市集买了这颗钻石。A vizier heard the story and he went straight into the bazaar and bought the diamond immediately.

他只会同意大总督在1656年在71岁时他又获得了完整的权威。He would only agree to be grand vizier in 1656 at the age of 71 if he was given complete authority.

阿拉维斯现在是被可怕地束缚住了,使她大为失望的是,蒂斯罗克和大臣竟留下不走。Greatly to the disappointment of Aravis, who was now horribly cramped, the Tisroc and Vizier remained.

“不要搞错啊,”他对宰相说道,“虽然她是你的女儿,到早晨时,她的脑袋也必须砍掉。”"Do not err, " he said to the Grand Vizier. "Though she is your daughter, her head must be cut off in the morning. "

既然阿门帕努弗在法庭上已经说了出来,维兹尔不能再忽略巴瑟的指控了,他只能采取行动。Now that Amenpanufer has spoken out in court, the Vizier can no longer ignore Paser's allegations. He'll have to act.

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在埃及学领域,对维西尔这一官职的研究已经成为众多学者竞相涉足的热点。In the Egyptological field, the studies of vizier have already become the focus that 1 scholars have competitively set foot in.

尽管萨拉丁直到1171年才撤销法蒂玛哈里发职位,但他在成为维齐尔后就积极寻求传播逊尼派教义。Though he did not disband the Fatimid Caliphate until 1171 Saladin actively sought to spread Sunnism as soon as he became the vizier.

使用者做了20年的大臣,根据碑文,他也同时拥有王子和市长的头衔。User held the position of vizier for 20 years, also acquiring the titles of prince and mayor of the city, according to the inscriptions.

至于波斯皇帝则较之前更加愤怒,也使王后遭受他的责难,但经首相恳求才作罢!The Emperor of Persia was even more enraged than before, and would have made the Queen feel his anger, but for the pleading of the Grand Vizier.

不过,抛开确切的时间,大家都公认这本书起源于古埃及,作者是第五王朝大臣卜塔-福德。No matter the reality of the date, though, everyone agrees that the book originates in ancient Egypt and was penned by Fifth Dynasty vizier Ptah-Hotep.

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她这时在扮演一群东方美女中的一个。在这出喜歌剧的第二幕中,宫廷大臣让这群美女列队从新登基的国王面前走过,炫耀他的这群后宫宝贝。Shewasnow one of a groupoforiental beauties who, in the second act of the comic opera, wereparadedbythe vizier before potentate as the treasures of his harem.

尽管佩斯塔格变得越来越偏执多疑,甚至公开地显示出了对他的怀疑,格兰特依然在帝国中心陪同了这位前高级大臣一段时间。He stayed with Pestage on Imperial Center for a time, though the former Grand Vizier was growing increasingly paranoid, and openly revealed his suspicions of Grant.

伊玛丁记载说,在谢尔库赫的短暂哀悼期内,埃及宫廷经历了“意见不一”,赞吉埃米尔们此后选择了萨拉丁并迫使哈里发“任命他为维齐尔”。" Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh, during which "opinions differed", the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to "invest him as vizier.