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我今得先尝主荣耀喜乐!O what a foretaste of glory divine!

我今得先尝主荣耀喜乐!Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!

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每周的敬拜是永恒敬拜的预尝。Weekly worship is a foretaste of our eternal worship.

夏装的款式常常是秋装的预兆。Summer styles are often a foretaste of autumn fashion.

在回家的路上,我已预先尝到了受人尊敬的滋味。I got a foretaste of appreciation while still on the return journey.

这预示了随后发生的种族清洗,并成为了波黑战争肃穆的标志。A foretaste of the ethnic cleansing that was to become the grim hallmark of the war.

可能她正在预尝一点由恶业决定的不幸的来生的苦味。Perhaps she was having a foretaste of her unhappy future because of unwholesome kamma.

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本周在日内瓦发生的争论预示了随后的讨论会是什么样子的。The haggling in geneva this week gives a foretaste of the discussions that will follow.

在罪中千日是通往地狱的路,与基督一日是先尝天国的甘甜。A thousand days of sin are the path to hell. A day with Christ is a foretaste of heaven.

性愉悦也许仅仅预示著其它可能的满足吗?Is sexual pleasure perhaps nothing more than a foretaste of other possible satisfactions ?

这一佛法世界被以不同的方式解释为涅槃前的法味,或者本质上就是涅槃。This Buddhic realm is variously construed as a foretaste of Nirvana, or as essentially Nirvana itself.

他预见了一个仍然还未来到的伟大体验,意识到吠檀多的每一句话都是真实。He had a foretaste of the great experiences yet to come and realized that the words of the Vedanta were true.

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他希望,乔伊抚平他心里的渴望,只是预先略尝所有渴望得到满足的那一天。The longing she had answered in him, he hoped, was but a foretaste of a time when all his longings would be fulfilled.

通过“资金暗池”的交易预先告诉我们,网络是一个保密比透明更加重要的交易场所。How trading via "dark pools of liquidity" may give a foretaste of an internet where secrecy is valued more than transparency

而印度许多人在水资源不足的地方生活,这可以预测未来的情况。What is happening in India, which has too many people in places where there is not enough water, is a foretaste of what is to come.

尽管社会首先关注的仍是重大犯罪案件,但是在休斯顿所发生的一切已经显示出粗野行为的严重迹象了。Society's first concern will remain major crime, but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in Houston.

不论黎巴嫩人民在战斗期间是否团结在军队后面都可以提供一个预示,预示在未来数月数年伊拉克可能发生什么。Whether the Lebanese people stay united behind the Army during this fight could provide a foretaste of what might happen in Iraq in the months and years ahead.

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如同在伊甸园中的生命树,这个记号是你在新天新地所会享受的生命的一个预尝,那时基督会与我们有面对面的心灵相通。As with the tree of life in the garden, this sign is a foretaste of the life you will partake of in the new heavens and earth, when Christ will fellowship with us in person.

当全球各国政府试图与爆炸性增长的财政赤字和公债搏斗时,本周在迪拜,我们已经体验到了即将到来的前景。In Dubai this week, we've had a foretaste of what may be to come as governments around the globe seek to grapple with the explosive growth of fiscal deficits and public debt.

苹果的iPhone和它的应用商店让iPhone和iPod的拥有者们可以下载应用,这揭示了无线设备对于云的重要性。Apple’s iPhone and its App Store, which allows iPhone and iPod owners to download applications, also provide a foretaste of how important wireless devices will be for the cloud.