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在霍布斯的天赋人权观点中,我可以杀死你。In a Hobbesian state of nature, I can kill you.

你的信件则在继续挖掘这一霍布斯哲学的传统。Your letter continues mining this Hobbesian vein.

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即我所谓的,霍式自由主义。Let me call it for the moment Hobbesian liberalism.

在霍布斯的天赋人权观点中,我有权利杀死你。In a Hobbesian state of nature, I have a right to kill you.

在霍布斯理想的社会里,就不需要消防部门吗?Will not even a Hobbesian society again ? require fire departments?

可以这样说,霍布斯笔下的公民是不可能做冒险家的,就像乔治·华盛顿和安德鲁·卡内基一样。The Hobbesian citizen is not likely to be a risk taker, like a George Washington or an Andrew Carnegie.

从保罗的霍布斯主义观点来看,海盗们的道德缺陷还比不上他们财政观念上的误解。From Paul's Hobbesian perspective, the pirates weren't morally flawed so much as financially misinformed.

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接下来我要说说,霍布斯关于君主权力和他理想下的国家',应当具有的一些特征。Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes' sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state.

稍后时代的政治理论家,如卢梭,尼采,给霍布斯笔下这样的公民取了个名字。Later political theorists, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man.

即国家总是存在于,一个充满敌意的世界里,而且总是被更高的法则约束着。The Hobbesian state will always exist in a world of hostile other states, unregulated by some kind of higher law.

即国家总是存在于,一个充满敌意的世界里,而且总是被更高的法则约束着。The Hobbesian state will always exist in a world of hostile other states, unregulated by some kind of higher law.

接下来我要讲的,是霍布斯现代文明观的最后一个观点,它将把一个残酷的现实呈现在我们面前。And that brings me to my final point about our Hobbesian civilization that conceals from us a very uncomfortable truth.

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这就是霍布斯的悖论,他的资产阶级不可能完全免于野蛮人的挑战,甚至这挑战就来自于资产阶级的内部。But the Hobbesian point, the paradox being that the Hobbesian bourgeois cannot entirely dispense with the barbarian, even in its own midst.

在他的君主学说,或是霍布斯式的君主论中,霍布斯认为,在特定的领土中,存在着一种绝对的权利。Hobbes in the Hobbesian doctrine of sovereignty, or the Hobbesian sovereign, to have a complete monopoly of power within his given territory.

当今世界仍然信奉霍布斯哲学,美国这个到现在仍被称做是世界超级大国的国家将来还是会把自己的利益放在第一位。And in a world that is still Hobbesian , the country that is for now still the world's sole superpower is going to continue to put its own interests first.

话虽如此,霍布斯眼中的君权,也还是为个人自由留下了足够的空间,他甚至对君主的合法权力,设定了一些限制。And yet, in many ways, this Hobbesian sovereign aims to allow for ample room for individual liberty And he even sets some limits on the legitimate use of sovereign power.

话虽如此,霍布斯眼中的君权,也还是为个人自由留下了足够的空间,他甚至对君主的合法权力,设定了一些限制。And yet, in many ways, this Hobbesian sovereign aims to allow for ample room for individual liberty And he even sets some limits on the legitimate use of sovereign power.

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霍布斯眼中的国家旨在,保护人民的生命财产安全,即使是那些虽开化有教养却是为一己私利的人,也应当受到国家的保护。The Hobbesian state was intended to secure the conditions of life, even a highly civilized and cultivated life but one calculated in terms of self-interest and risk avoidance.

本文建立了一个国际冲突环境中的一国经济长期增长模型。This paper develops a growth model of a country under a Hobbesian environment of international conflicts where national defense is the only way to prevent external predations.

中关关系应被视为洛克文化的建构,目前所呈现出的某些霍布斯文化的特征并不占主导地位。Sino-American relationship should be regarded as the construction of Lockean culture. Presently, some characteristics of Hobbesian culture are only a harbinger of Lockean culture.