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比利从罐里偷拿了些饼乾。Billy snuck a few cookies from the jar.

于是“狐狸溜进了皮克斯的鸡舍”Then a fox snuck into Pixar’s henhouse.

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五年后,彼得悄然地溜回来给我。Five years later, Peter snuck back for me.

雷恩在电影开演后偷溜进场。Ryan snuck into the movie after it started.

尚恩和阿丹偷偷溜进了棒球场中。Shawn and Dan snuck into the baseball stadium.

干嘛?你这星期每晚都偷溜出去了。What gives? You've snuck out every night this week.

我不想让他知道我回来,悄悄溜进了会场。I didn't know for sure until I snuck into his office.

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现在我感觉到好比有人又把电视摆到了我的桌子上。Now I feel as if someone snuck a television onto my desk.

今天,我半夜偷摸地跑出房子去了。Today, I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night.

哦,不!海龟正悄悄爬向狗狗并紧紧抓住了它的尾巴。Oh no! The turtle snuck up on the dog and grabbed his tail.

他溜进一间女子的公寓、发现没什么值钱东西。He snuck into a woman’s apartment and found nothing of value.

这天深夜,班超带了36个士兵潜到匈奴营地。At night, Ban Chao and his 36 men snuck up to the Xiongnu camp.

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我在一个下雪的晚上,从学校溜出来,手里拿着我的鞋子。I had snuck out on a snowy school night, holding my shoes in my hand.

英国牛津大学排名第4,剑桥大学下滑至第6。Oxford snuck into 4th spot, overtaking Cambridge, which slipped to 6th.

妈妈一句话也没说就进了教堂,我挽住爸爸。Without a word, my mother snuck into the church. My father took my arm.

和我谈谈他,那个潜入我房间杀死歌蒂的混蛋。他都对你干了什么。The bum who snuck into my room and killed Goldie and did what he did to you.

不久前,他偷偷溜进白宫参加国宴,居然没人认出他来。Not long ago, he snuck into a White House state dinner. Nobody recognized him.

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我吓得跳了起来,大叫了一声,并放了一个很响的屁。I was startled so bad that I jumped, yelped, and a high-pitched fart snuck out.

我还不知道这闪电的一击是怎么不知不觉地撞到我们两头上的。How in the world this lightning strike snuck up on us I am still not quite sure.

在从英格兰到德国途中,他们溜进一辆卡车后面搭便车。En route to England from Germany, they snuck a ride in the back of a man's truck.