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这是家食品小卖部。This is a dry canteen.

餐厅就在我们楼栋旁边。Canteen is just around our building.

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我从福利社买午餐。I buy my lunch from the school canteen.

伦尼已经在餐厅吃过茶点了。Rennie had eaten his tea in the canteen.

我不喜欢学校食堂?I don’t like the student canteen on campus.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。Subsidized canteen is one of staff benefits.

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我目不转睛地看着水壶,似乎它是一个海市蜃楼似的。I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage.

威尔逊翻来倒去摆弄着空水壶。Wilson rolled the empty canteen back and forth.

通常,诺克斯先生在食堂吃晚饭。Usually, Mr. Knox had his supper at the canteen.

放学后,很多学生拥进食堂。Many students swarm into the canteen after class.

午饭时间捐款箱会放在饭堂。We will put the box in canteen during lunch time.

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由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。E. g. Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.

职工食堂在正午12点至下午2点时供给午餐。The canteen serves meals between 12 noon and 2 pm.

张三在食堂吃饭,李四在家里吃面。Jhon ate rice at canteen and Tom ate noodles at home.

那位传授有时在学生餐厅用膳。The professor sometimes dines at the student canteen.

食堂配有冰柜、烤箱、冷藏柜等。Canteen with freezers, ovens, refrigerators and so on.

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工人,为了干净的食堂和健康的食物而斗争。Worker, struggle for a clean canteen and healthy food.

学生食堂的饭怎么总是这么没滋没味儿?Why is food at the student canteen always so tasteless?

但是我在宿舍没有东西可吃,所以我只能去餐厅了。But I had no food in my dorm, so I had to go to canteen.