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你们看到轮替了吗?Did you see the alternation?

节奏意味着压缩和释放的交替。Rhythm means the alternation of compressions and releases.

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提供与延期或者变更事由有关的证明。provide papers supporting reasons for extension or alternation.

因此,这种生命周期又称为世代交替。Consequently, this cycle is also known as the alternation of generations.

第六章描写了新旧方位词的演变和交替情况。In chapter 6, the changing and alternation of orientation words are explained.

到目前为止,已经介绍了字面值、位置和两种备选项操作符。So far, you've seen literal, positional, and two kinds of alternation operators.

在对话和韵诗之间他们有一般的特点。They have the common characteristic of alternation between dialogue and stanzas.

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现有因素替换法在原理揭示和表述上存在一定的缺陷。The present factor alternation method shows that its theory is weak but also illogical.

结论氟乙酰胺对心脏有明显的损害,而且可以引起心脏电交替。Conclusion Fluoroacetamide may cause obvious heart damage, and also heart electrical alternation.

明清易代作为中国封建社会最后一场朝代更替,此际思想演变十分错综复杂。The Dynasty Change from Ming to Qing was the final Dynasty alternation in Chinese feudal society.

年轻的卡尔·马克思,有预见地觉察到了现代工业所引起的非人道的变换。The young Karl Marx, prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry.

在所有的高等植物和一些藻类会出现有性的单倍体阶段和无性的二倍体阶段交替的现象。In all plants and some algae there is an alternation between sexual haploid and asexual diploid stages.

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伪造与变造的区别在于所制作出来的东西与以前文书是否具备同一性。The difference between forgery and alternation is whether documents' essential content has been changed.

通过免疫组织化学方法观察胚胎大鼠脑组织神经肽Y的分布与含量变化。The distribution and content alternation of NPY in the fetal rat brain was studied immunohistochemically.

这种无限进展乃是互相转化的某物与别物这两个规定彼此交互往复的无穷进展。It sets up with endless iteration the alternation between these two terms, each of which calls up the other.

禅让与世袭是我国古代社会政权传承的主要形式。The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times.

在升降的交替中,道的盛衰盈亏两个力量也是如此。So do the dual forces of the Tao wax and wane in the alternation of upward and downward cycles, intercrossing.

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在非线性拟合中,常采用变量替换的方法使之线性化,再按线性模型处理。Variable alternation is often used in nonlinear fitting to make it linearized and then handled by linear model.

通常情况下,微灌系统规划设计都采用轮灌的工作制度,即按照设计的轮灌组划片限灌。In usual condition , the work system of alternation irrigation is adopted in the micro-irrigation system design.

部分患者治疗前心电图呈ST-T波改变,服药后无明显加重。ST-T wave alternation in ECG for a part of cases before treatment was not aggravated obviously after medication.