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在对塞尔塔的维哥的比赛中我也进了球,而今天比赛里我打进了第50球。I already scored against Vigo this week and today I got my 50th.

比戈是一个海军基地和主要的航泊、渔业中心。Vigo is a naval base and major shipping and fishing center. Population, 277, 460.

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我们希望米兰比对维戈塞尔塔是表现要好,像上赛季那样为胜利而战。We hope Milan will do better than at Celta Vigo and play out to win as last season.

星期六的最后对塞尔塔的准备将在不对外公开的情况下进行。Saturday's final preparation for the Celta Vigo match will take place behind closed doors.

根据维哥赛尔塔俱乐部的说法,阿森纳有意签下该俱乐部的门将曼尼埃尔阿尔穆尼亚。Arsenal are planning to sign Celta Vigo goalkeeper Manuel Almunia, according to the Spanish club.

然而,瓦伦西亚立刻将他租借到了塞尔塔维戈队一个赛季来积累比赛经验。However, he was instantly loaned out to Celta Vigo for a season in order to gain senior experience.

来自西班牙ASPA巡逻队的直升机在西班牙比戈国际航展上表演。Helicopters of the spanish ASPA Patrol team perform in Vigo, Spain during the International Vigo Airshow.

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在塞尔塔,我遇到了我的女友,至今我们依然在一起,在纽卡斯尔,我学习了英语。From Celta Vigo I met my girlfriend. We are still together. Then from Newcastle, I developed a new skill by learning English.

西班牙俱乐部维戈塞尔塔对外宣布,他们已经将年仅17岁的希望之星德尼斯.苏亚雷斯出售给了英超球队曼城。Celta Vigo have reached an agreement to sell highly rated 17-year-old Denis Suarez to Manchester City, the Spanish club has announced.

他通过在塞尔塔维戈的出色表现吸引了强大的皇家马德里的注意,这家俱乐部获得过西班牙联赛、冠军联赛以及其他冠军奖杯。He adapted well enough at Celta Vigo to attract mighty Real Madrid where two Spanish titles, the Champions League and a host of other trophies were won.

维哥大学的学者说弄错了草稿和定稿、没有预先审读、事后没有一名作者去阅读发表出来的论文,这样的说法令人难以信服。Vigo University researchers say the draft and final mistake, there is no pre-re-reading, after not one of them to read the published paper, that argument unconvincing.

出生在意大利的巴里,成长于西班牙加利西亚区的维戈,如今在巴塞罗那俱乐部蓬勃发展的蒂亚戈.阿尔坎塔拉,当然会有一个有趣的背景。Born in the Italian city of Bari, raised in Vigo in the Spanish region of Galicia and currently thriving at FC Barcelona, Thiago Alcantara certainly has as an interesting background.