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没错,他是一个极度自负的却被高估的演员。Yes, he is a gigantic egotistical overrated artist.

一个傲慢自大的瑜伽战士挑战瑜伽大师。The egotistical Yogin challenges Guruji to a battle.

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这是民族本位主义评论么?What is it with the egotistical nationalist comments?

鸸羜有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强。Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.

但谁又没有一些自大的行为呢?But who doesn't have some form of egotistical behavior?

可能今天的年轻人真的是更加任性。Perhaps today's youngsters really are more egotistical.

事实上,我对你的长篇大论感到厌烦。Actually, I'm getting a little tired of your egotistical tirades.

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此外,过度的注视会让别人觉得你傲慢而自负。Likewise, an overbearing stare can make you appear arrogant and egotistical.

他们更有主张,尽管也让人觉得他们更以自我为中心。They are more assertive, though they are also believed to be more egotistical.

这个问题上,你有权利或者是义务来自吹自擂。Here you have every right, and perhaps an obligation, to toot your own horn and be a bit egotistical.

能量强化后的威震天,是骄狂和残暴的化身。GALVATRON is a powered up version of MEGATRON making him the epitome of egotistical might and tyranny.

然而正是如此,这个竞赛才吸引了许多关注的目光,或许我应该有权利变得妄自尊大一些。As for being egotistical, the contest has attracted a lot of attention, so perhaps I have a right to be egotistical.

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自私自利、自高自大的领导才难以完成权力的转移和避免流血杀戮的任务。Only the most selfish and egotistical leader would fail to make arrangements to transfer power and try to avoid bloodshed.

它代表了一种很自我的迭代开发观点,仅关注单独个体的贡献而忽略了团队的作用。It represents a very egotistical view of iteration focusing solely on the individual's contribution rather than the team's.

关于情感上失败的宏大转变成为完全自我陶醉的本位主义实体的感觉。It deals with the feeling of failed emotional grandiosity that turns one into a completely self-obsessed egotistical entity.

实际上,白羊座经常外露的自负行为下隐藏着一种不安全感,这根源于她们缺乏自我尊重的意识。The constant outflow of energy from egotistical Aries masks a sense of insecurity, which has its roots in a lack of self-esteem.

我们当然没有什么朋友,我们有的都是一些自私自利的情人,他们挥霍钱财并非像他们所说的是为了我们,而是为了他们自己的虚荣心。Naturally, we have no friends, we have egotistical lovers who spend their fortunes not on us, as they claim, but on their vanity.

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还有布拉德利·惠特福德,扮演自私但是本性善良的乔希·赖曼,里奥的副手,他的忠诚毫不亚于里奥。And then there's Bradley Whitford, as the egotistical but good-natured Josh Lyman, Leo's deputy, who is as everybit as loyalistic as Leo.

它把宗教虔诚、骑士热忱、小市民伤感这些情感的神圣发作,淹没在利已主义打算的冰水之中。It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation.

我们未来的目标是那时候你们不必再受由傲慢的领导者们和军事思想的人的这种影响,为了帮助你们所有人加入到星际联盟成员中。Our future goal when you are ready and no longer under the influence of egotistical leaders and military minds is to befriend of all of you and welcome you into the federation of stars.