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你跳楼啦。You jump building.

在船台上。On the building berth.

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谁人是什么楼?What is that building?

建筑石材业。Building stone industry.

我看管一幢楼。I look after a building.

我正在建造一座空中的走廊。I'm building a sky walk.

我们的大楼朝东。Our building faces east.

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再做一辆牛车。building the cart again.

那栋建筑物有多高?。How high is that building?

这座楼真是高啊!The building is very high!

他们正在修栅栏。They are building a fence.

他们正在盖一所房子。They are building a house.

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我们在那栋楼里面学习。We study in that building.

建立互动关系是关键。Building engagement is key.

他悄悄地靠近了那所建筑。He stalked to the building.

这楼已破败不堪。The building is now a ruin.

这一幢楼已修好了。This building is in repair.

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高层一号楼图纸。Top of a building drawings.

是啊。那幢楼是什么啊?Yes. What is that building?

他纵火烧了那栋建筑。He set the building on fire.