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淡淡的麝香味的古龙水。Some light, musky cologne.

木瓜的果实稍甜,带有麝香的气味。The papaya fruit is slightly sweet, with a musky smell to it.

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麝香的作用有那些,怎么吃可以治什么病?Musky action has those, how to eat what disease can you treat?

蜜蜂嗡嗡地哼,石竹花的芳香在空气中飘溢开去。There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air.

这种部分消化的过程被认为给咖啡豆增添了一种美好的麝香味道。The partial digestion process is supposed to add a wonderful musky flavour.

穿大胆的颜色,喷麝香味的香水,比如我喜欢毕坚淘气的毕坚淡香水喷雾。Wear bold colors and musky perfumes, for example I like Bijan Wicked by Bijan.

那厚重的毛皮摸起来就像狮子狗,它还有着野生动物那种强烈的麝香味。The heavy fur on its neck felt like a poodle’s. It had the powerful musky smell of a wild animal.

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淡淡的麝香味的古龙水。女性会将之与男性自身的味道混淆,用一点点就可以激起女性内心的异样感觉了。Some light, musky cologne. These smells will mimic the natural smell that males produce and used lightly, will arouse some females.

深入与世界上最美丽的女人,分享处女浩瀚和黑暗大陆麝香潮湿的丛林。Go deep into the jungle with the world's most beautiful women and share the virginal vastness and musky moistness of the Dark Continent.

我还能回忆起那种爽身粉的味道,估计是她从她母亲的西班牙女仆那里偷来的。I recall the scent of some kind of toilet powder — I believe she stole it from her mother's Spanish maid — a sweetish, lowly, musky perfume.

黄绿色葡萄酒,因年数的久远而呈金黄色,该酒带有一点轻微的麝香葡萄味道,味道特别精美。Yellow-greenish wine, but turns twinkle golden because of so many years. It has extremely refined taste with a slight flavor of musky grape.

香猫,麝香猫非洲和亚洲的一种属于灵猫科的似猫的食肉哺乳动物,其。Any of various carnivorous catlike mammals of the family Viverridae of Africa and Asia, having anal scent glands that secrete a fluid with a musky odor.

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浓烈而熟悉的烟草味儿,汗香味儿,青草的淡淡甜味儿,还有那来自山中的凛冽寒气。He could smell Jack -- the intensely familiar odor of cigarettes, musky sweat and a faint sweetness like grass, and with it the rushing cold of the mountain.

他们拥有18个惊人的产品,从水果白兰地和各种甜酒到陈年威士忌和用当地产的格慕斯塔米那、麝香葡萄和卡托巴品种的葡萄酿造的具有麝香味的葡萄果渣白兰地。They have an astonishing 18 products, from fruit brandies and liqueurs to aged whiskies and musky grappa made from local grapes like gewürztraminer, muscat and Catawba.

喜欢一个人,不该像一朵花掉在泥塘里,不但拖泥带水,眼角含泪,而且还让自己化作了尘灰。If you like someone, it's not like a flower falling to the musky ground, not even loathsome, not a tear in the corner of the eye, but letting yourself transform into dust ash.

耳后散发着香草芬香的卡丽,有着寒空中冰蓝的双眸的卡丽,随着车内高音量的乐曲哼唱走调的卡丽。Carrie who wore the musky smell of vanilla behind her ears. Carrie who had the icy blue eyes of a winter sky. Carrie who would sing off-key in the car with the radio turned loud.

但我发现莱姆的麝香味也可跟鱼和鸡肉的结合搭配,比如说香草炖鸡,它们的味道会马上触动心扉,使人愉悦。But I find their musky brightness is also a lovelycombination with fish and chicken. In a light spring stew of chicken and herbs, for example, their flavor is at once grounding and brightening.