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乍一看,这就像一个改装了的连身衣。At first glance, it may look like a mere souped-up jumpsuit.

他穿着人们熟悉的卡其色中山装,戴着墨镜。He wore a familiar Mao-style khaki jumpsuit and dark sunglasses.

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他退后几步,从病号服中拿出一张卷起的纸。He backs off and removes a rolled piece of paper from his jumpsuit.

双向YKK拉链让你在你的连衣方便,如果你需要它。The two way YKK zipper gives you easy access under your jumpsuit if you need it.

酷爱这一刺激运动的马利什,将穿戴主人亲手缝制的跳伞服和手套挑战目标。He sewed a jumpsuit and mittens for this super-cat who obviously loved this game.

然后他转过身来,除下他病号服的上衣,拿掉包裹其伤口的绷带。Michael turns and removes the top to his jumpsuit and the bandage covering the wound.

连体裤是一体式设计的服装,一般以长袖子和长裤腿为特色。A jumpsuit is a one-piece garment that generally features long sleeves and full leg covering.

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姗姗没有等到文彦来列席婚礼,一个人走向了红地毯的另一头。Shanshan do not wait until WenYanLai attend wedding, a person walked towards the red carpet jumpsuit.

压倒一切的积极回应我们的追踪除错单元?衬衫,裤子,导致我们建立我们的第一次质。The overwhelming positive response to our TDU? shirt and pant has led us to build our first jumpsuit.

他也必须脱下他的休闲服穿上一件灰色的连身裤,当他愿意见访客时。Also, he must change out of his street clothes and put on a gray jumpsuit when he wishes to see visitors.

到了20世纪70年代,连体裤被猫王和大卫•鲍伊这样的知名艺人所采用,令这种风格变得十分流行。The adoption of the jumpsuit by performers such as Elvis and David Bowie made the style very popular in the 1970s.

制成的舒适与5.78盎司聚棉斜纹,这连衣现在是在执法行业标准。Made for comfort with a 5.78 ounce poly-cotton twill, this jumpsuit is now the standard in the law enforcement industry.

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十五年来,那个一头金发、身穿橙色外衣的热血青年已经成为无数读者的精神支柱。After 15 years, the plucky teen with blonde hair and an orange jumpsuit grew to be a mainstay in the lives of many readers.

如今潮女们几乎人手一条连身裤,但她们花在洗手间里的时间也更长了,因为连身裤实在是不怎么容易脱下。Now that the jumpsuit has become ubiquitous, women spend even longer in the bathroom wrestling with these wretched garments.

连体裤的历史十分有趣,其广泛的用途及时尚诠释令其成为一个“为人人”的设计。The history of the jumpsuit is quite interesting and the broad range of uses and interpretations make it a one-for-all design.

周四,伊拉克警察在底格里斯河里发现一名穿着桔红色衣服的无头尸体,估计该尸体是被斩首的外国人质。A decapitated body wearing an orange jumpsuit was found in the Tigris River Thursday, possibly that of a foreigner taken hostage.

可能的表演者包括一对坐在轮椅上的杂技演员,穿着“猫王式”连衣裤、戴着粉色假发、引吭高歌的5岁男孩。Potential performers include a pair of wheelchair acrobats and a singing five-year-old boy in an Elvis-style jumpsuit and pink wig.

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这种设计不分性别,且能适合各种身材体型,因此它也是统一员工着装的简便途径。As the design is unisex and can accommodate to most body shapes, the jumpsuit is a simple means to create uniformity among employees.

在精神病区的电视间里,一个勤杂工扶着Michael坐下,Michael现在装着白色病号服,脸上仍然是一幅茫然的神情。And orderly sits Michael down inside the psych ward’s TV room. Michael, still displaying the same vacant stare, now wears a white jumpsuit.

上个星期被判入狱的林赛·洛翰只不过是又一则高调明星换下名设计师设计的服装,穿上橘黄色狱服到监狱走一趟的新闻而已。Last week’s sentencing of Lindsay Lohan marked yet another instance of a high-profile celeb trading in designer duds for an orange jumpsuit.