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那就是为什么杰克爱卡罗尔的原因。That's why Jack loves Carol.

卡罗尔和汤姆请我们来吃午饭。Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.

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这是卡罗尔·希思和麦迪·内格尔。This is Carol Heath and Maddy Nagle.

卡罗尔当选社长兼导演。Carol was made president and director.

卡罗小心地端着卡拉的胡萝卜。Carol carefully carried Cora 's carrots.

她帮助卡萝尔让休上床睡觉。She helped Carol in putting Hugh to bed.

卡罗尔曾经是一个快乐和看似的女孩。Carol was once a happy and sunshiny girl.

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请给我一杯水。没问题,卡罗。Just a glass of water, please. Sure, Carol.

考虑一下吧,卡罗。回头见,杰克。Think about it, Carol. See you later, Jake.

你认为凯罗这次会被升职吗?Do you think Carol will be promoted this time?

她开始在那架大钢琴上演奏起第一首颂歌。She struck up the first carol on the grand piano.

新年的时候,乔伊又回了卡洛尔和布莱克家。By New Year’s, Joey was back at Carol and Blake’s.

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当然,卡萝尔度过了一个难忘之夜。Of course, Carol had spent an unforgettable night.

比尔很后悔对卡萝说过那些恶毒的话。Bill regrets saying all those mean things to Carol.

卡洛尔和莎莉在海边打排球。Carol and Sally are playing volleyball on the beach.

卡罗尔拿出一张十镑的纸币递给了我。Carol took out a ten-pound note and banded it to me.

卡罗尔拿出一张十磅的纸币递给了我。Carol took out a ten-pound note and handed it to me.

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那天下午,朱恩妮塔跑来串门,给卡罗尔解闷。That afternoon Juanita dropped in to brighten Carol.

刚当上爸妈的人圣诞节最喜欢唱什么歌?What's the favourite Christmas Carol of new parents?

援助行动组织的卡罗尔.卡伊拉说,对非洲来说这是一个坏消息。ActionAid's Carol Kayira says that is bad for Africa.