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巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。Giant folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma was diagnosed.

管内型错构瘤应与中心型肺癌鉴别。Intraluminal hamartoma should be differentiated from hilar lung cancer.

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支气管内过误瘤被认为是来自支气管内结缔组织的罕见肺部良性肿瘤。Endobronchial hamartoma is a rare benign tumor arising in the bronchial wall.

结论肺错构瘤是一种预后良好的肿瘤。Conclusions Pulmonary hamartoma is a kind of neoplasms with satisfactory prognosis.

血管瘤是血管发育过程中喃形发育所造成的错构瘤。Hemangioma is a vascular during development whispering form development caused by hamartoma.

这些特殊的放射线学变化帮助我们做肝脏间叶缺陷瘤的正确诊断。These characteristic radiologic finding led to the diagnosis of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma.

目的探讨儿童下丘脑错构瘤导致癫痫的手术治疗。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment for hypothalamic hamartoma causing epilepsy in children.

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结论利用CT和HRCT可正确诊断具有一定特征表现的周围型肺错构瘤。Conclusion Peripheral pulmonary hamartoma with specific CT and HRCT features can be diagnosed correctly.

由上述放射残检查之独特表现,吾人可对肝间叶性畸胎瘤做一可信度极佳的开刀前诊断。A confident preoperative diagnosis of mesenchymal hamartoma base on these radiological features can be made.

结果本组病例的平均发病年龄为44岁,平均病程13个月。Results The average age of morbidity was 44 years old and the mean disease course of hamartoma was 13 months.

目的分析探讨肝间叶性错构瘤的临床特征与诊治方法。Objective To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver.

作者讨论了本病与肺癌,结核瘤及错构瘤的鉴别诊断。The authors have discussed the differential diagnosis of this disease, lung cancer, tuberculoma and hamartoma.

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结论①口腔实体性非血管瘤性错构瘤为一类少见的良性瘤样病变。Conclusion ① Non-angiomatous solid hamartoma is a rare benign tumour-like lesion in oral and maxillofacial region.

本文对肺错构瘤的病因、分类、诊断、鉴别诊断和治疗进行了讨论。The etiological causes, classification, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of lung hamartoma were discussed.

目的探讨肺错构瘤的CT表现及其相关的病理基础,以提高其CT诊断水平。Objective To research the appearances of CT and pathology in pulmonary hamartoma so as to improve the CT diagnostic accuracy.

由于肺部电脑断层摄影显示节结内含有脂肪组织及钙化物,术前诊断为支气管内过误瘤。Due to the finding of fat tissue and calcification in the nodule on CT, an endobronchial hamartoma was diagnosed preoperatively.

结果全切错构瘤2例,大部切除8例,部分切除1例,术中错构瘤深部电极显示棘波1例。Results 2 hamartoma were totally removed without any sequela, the other 8 hamartomas were gross totally removed and 1 was partials removed.

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肿瘤内的小血管破裂及急性后玻璃体剥离可能是造成玻璃体出血的原因。In young patients with vitreous hemorrhage and specific cutaneous lesions, tuberous sclerosis with retinal astrocytic hamartoma may be considered.

我们认为若超音波下发现肿块,却无法在电脑断层扫描及磁振造影下被发现,应将脾脏错构瘤列入鑑别诊断之中。We concluded that splenic hamartoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of ultrasonographic lesions of the spleen not detected by CT or MRI.

辅助特征包括牙齿凹痕、肾囊肿、直肠错构瘤样息肉、脑白质放射移行线,牙龈纤维瘤,斑驳样的皮肤斑。Minor features include dental pits, renal cysts, rectal hamartoma polyps, cerebral white matter migration lines, gingival fibromas , and confetti skin lesions.