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当我来到监狱的时候,我不顾前后地埋首于佛学。When I came to prison, I dove into Buddhism headfirst.

一头栽倒在水中后,他感觉到脉搏加快。Landing headfirst in the water, he felt his pulse quicken.

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他失去平衡,头朝下从窗子上跌了下去。He lost his balance, and pitched out of the window headfirst.

头向下栽下去的感觉太可怕了。The sensation of falling headfirst through the air was horrific.

我的感觉就像是头朝下跳下了两千英尺高的楼。“现在你能飞了。”It felt like falling headfirst off the top of a 2,000-foot-tall building.

我的感觉就像是头朝下跳下了两千英尺高的楼。It felt like falling headfirst off the top of a 2, 000-foot-tall building.

我将公主头朝下扔给了山下的相识。I threw the beautiful princess headfirst down the mountain to my acquaintances.

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与此同时,史蒂夫冲向罗尼,他的头垂挂在副驾驶舱门前。Meanwhile, Steve dashed to Ronnie, who was dangling headfirst from the passenger door.

她向他的挡风玻璃开枪,杰克向她还击,他们驾车头撞头地向对方的车冲去。She fires at his windshield and he shoots back as they drive headfirst toward each other.

那个男孩的上部肩胛骨呈现出的骨折是典型的从高处头部先着地的结果。The boy's upper arm bones show fractures typical of a headfirst fall from a great height.

她向他的挡风玻璃开枪,杰克向她还击,他们驾车头撞头地向对方的车冲去。She fires at his windshield, and he shoots back as they drive headfirst toward each other.

赫敏击昏了他,他头朝前地倒进了钟形玻璃罐,他的头变成了婴儿的头。Hermione stupefies him and he falls headfirst into the bell jar his head turning into a baby's.

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赫敏击昏了他,他头朝前地倒进了钟形玻璃罐,他的头变成了婴儿的头。Hermione Stupefies him, and he falls headfirst into the bell jar, his head turning into a baby's.

他的教练是愤怒,他的父母感到失望,他的走下坡路潜水头向前。His coach is angry, his parents are disappointed, and he's diving headfirst into a downward spiral.

对付大型的苍蝇,牠会从颈部下口,然后再从头部把苍蝇囫囵吞下。Big flies are first killed with strong bites to their neck. Then the gladiators devour the flies headfirst.

他们在戴好安全设施之后头朝下的从桥梁、高塔、起重机甚至是热气球上跳下。After being well-equipped, jumpers leap headfirst from bridges , towers , cranes , and even hot-air balloons.

它从罪孽的悬崖中跌落到谷底,最终被遗忘在记忆之海。It will founder upon the rocks of iniquity and sink headfirst to vanish without trace into the seas of oblivion.

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他出澡盆的时候头朝下栽进浴缸里失去知觉了,我还想给他做人工呼吸呢。He fell headfirst in the tub when he tried to get out, and when I administered CPR on him, he was just knocked out.

它们将塑造你的商业思维,让你在正式开启自己的事业前就掌握好了高级的工作技能。It will help shape your business ideas and allow you to learn advanced on-the-job skills before diving in headfirst.

这种调情者快速进入一段关系,有很多的情感联系以及性吸引力。These flirters fall headfirst into relationships quickly and have a lot of emotional connection and sexual chemistry.