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这是程序上的问题。But that's a procedural question.

我们经常谈论程序法。And we often talk about procedural law.

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程序墙门现在有一一面锁!Procedural wall doors now have a one sided lock !

星期三还将进行另外一轮程序性表决。There will be another procedural vote on Wednesday.

过程文档还能在此领域提供帮助。Procedural documentation can also help in this area.

程序性公正比较好辨别。So procedural justice is sort of easier to deal with.

证据法学是诉讼法学中的重要组成部分。Law of evidence is a important part of procedural law.

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行政许可是一种程序性权力。Administrative permission is a sort of procedural power.

程序法也可能影响案件的结果。Procedural law may also affect the outcome of a lawsuit.

程序问题由简单多数票决定。Procedural matters may be decided by asimple majority vote.

其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。Its content includes procedural right and substantive right.

在银牙的宫廷中,实干让位给了程序步骤。In the Fang's court, action has given way to procedural points.

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诉权论和诉讼法与实体法关系理论。Litigation right theory and procedural law and substantial law.

厚此薄彼之议事方法,不足取也。Procedural methods that are not impartial are also insufficient.

但是这两套系统在流程上会有所不同。But there are some procedural differences between the two systems.

有时法律被划分为实体法和程序法。Sometimes law is classified into substantive law and procedural law.

变更诉讼请求是当事人的一项重要诉讼权利。Change of Litigious claim is an important procedural right of parties.

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乞鞫是秦汉时期的一种再审诉讼制度。Qiju is a kind of re-appeal procedural system in Qin and Han Dynasties.

实体法与程序法作为矛盾的对立双方相互依赖、互为前提。Substantive law and procedural law are dependent and action each other.

参与原则是行政程序法的一项基本原则。In principle is a fundamental principle of administrative procedural law.