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我想要往前看,但是今晚的确使我想起了对阵布鲁日的比赛。I prefer to look forward, but it did remind me of Bruges.

在布鲁日或阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯或维也纳这样的城市中流连忘返是一件乐事。It's wonderful to be lost in Bruges or Amsterdam, Venice or Vienna.

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在布鲁日或阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯或维也纳这样的城市中流连忘返是一件乐事。It’s wonderful to be lost in Bruges or Amsterdam, Venice or Vienna.

比利时西北城市,位于布鲁日西南偏西,濒临北海。A city of northwest Belgium on the North Sea west-southwest of Bruges.

阿尔诺菲尼是居住在比利时布鲁日的意大利卢卡商人。Arnolfini was a member of a merchant family from Lucca living in Bruges.

十三世纪,最早的股票交易所出现于布鲁日与意大利。The earliest stock exchanges emerge in Bruges and Italy in the thirteenth century.

布鲁日和布鲁塞尔都有很多博物院,你可以了解更多巧克力的历史和制作。Both Bruges and Brussels boast museums where you can learn more about the history and production of chocolate.

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这的确让我想到了和布鲁日的比赛,情况是非常的相似,我们也是少打一人,最后还是我的进球,我非常的高兴。KAKA'It really reminded me of Bruges . The situations were similar, with one man down. In the end I scored and I am happy.

这位前英格兰21岁以下国家队的队长在周四与布鲁日队的联盟杯比赛中因臀部受伤下场。The former England Under-21 international captain picked up a hip injury in the UEFA Cup win over Club Bruges on Thursday.

另一项2的例子是在欧莱雅医院圣让在布鲁日,一个从一开始的15世纪,其他角1477年。A further 2 examples are in the l'hôpital St-Jean in Bruges , one from the beginning of the 15th century, the other c. 1477.

布鲁日是一座异常迷人的老城——这里有静静流淌的运河,古老的教堂,还有文艺复兴时代留下的杰作,有法兰德斯的威尼斯之称。Bruges is a fantastically beautiful old town -- a Flemish Venice with quiet canals, old cathedrals and Renaissance masterpieces.

如今这位备受赞誉的战术大师希望首都球队能够在更广阔的舞台上展示他们的实力,起点就是今晚与布鲁日的比赛。Now the highly-rated tactician wants the capital outfit to impress on a wider stage, starting from this evening's game at Club Bruges.

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这个微小的8“高亮灯的风力发电机已被领先的高配置安装数量的设计团队贾森布鲁日工作室使用。This tiny 8" tall light-up wind turbine has been used by leading design team Jason Bruges Studio in a number of high profile installations."

在三年之前,也是卡卡,唯一的进球,帮助米兰也是在比利时,对手是布鲁日队,取得关键的三分。The young Brazilian had, of course, come to the Rossoneri rescue in Belgium before when he scored the only goal of the game against Bruges three years ago.