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请问您是否使用剃须膏呢?Do you use shaving cream?

他冲我下巴打了一拳。He lathered his chin before shaving.

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事实上,肯定不能在他剃须的时候说。In fact definitely not when shaving.

他修面时把颏部刮破。He gashed his chin badly when shaving.

他修剪玫瑰时双手刮伤得很厉害。He gashed his chin badly when shaving.

他从手提包里拿出一壁剃须镜。He took a shaving mirror from his bag.

他用一把电动刮脸刀刮脸。He uses an electric razor for shaving.

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没有更多的刺激或剃须后刮胡子。No more irritation shaving or post-shave.

剃须膏真的让我很紧张。The shaving cream made me really nervous.

理发师第一次肯定拿一个傻瓜来学着做实验。A barber learns to shave by shaving fools.

它可以让你刮起胡子来又平滑又不痛。It makes shaving smoother and less painful.

刮除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙。Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back DarkerCoarser.

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剃光头有助于提高成绩。Shaving down contributes to peak performance.

剃须油和剃须前用油是不同的。Shaving oil is not the same as pre-shave oil.

没什么。早上刮胡子时刮到自己了。It's nothing. I cut myself shaving this morning.

刮除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙。Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Coarser.

刮除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙。Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Coarser.

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您是否知道剃须膏的成分是什么?Do you have any idea what's in your shaving cream?

把你的剃须膏或泡沫换成剃须油Replace Your Shaving Cream or Foam With Shaving Oil

这实际上舒缓和滋润剃须后。This actually soothes and moisturizes after shaving.