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她的身体感觉碰伤了,她的嘴唇柔软娇嫩。Her body felt bruised, her lips pulpy and tender.

被包在肉质果实内的这种植物的豆样种子。The bean like seeds of this plant, enclosed within a pulpy fruit.

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的一声炸伤了一名女人的左手,把她的大母指炸得稀烂。An injured left hand of a woman, her mother refers to the deep-fried A pulpy.

两块刀片上的锈迹转移到了纸巾上,在漂白的松软纤维上留下了四个锈黄色的刀片状图案。The rust transferred a rust-yellow double image of the blades to the bleached white pulpy fabric.

“这正在发生”,尼格罗庞蒂说,并称这种笨重劳什子五年内必然完全消逝。It's happening, " Negroponte said, and gave the pulpy artifacts just five years to utterly expire."

这些动词所共有的中心意思是。强有力地挤压…以使其成为浆状物质。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to press forcefully so as to reduce to a pulpy mass.

杰克往上看见缠着他的触手正在把他送近柔软的嘴巴。Josh looks up and sees that the contracting tentacles are bringing him much closer to the pulpy mouth.

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一种无患子属的主要热带树,果实多果浆,象肥皂那样起泡沫。Any of various chiefly tropical trees of the genus Sapindus, having pulpy fruit that lathers like soap.

在大火的稀烂的肉拉,激励着我的手,有必要探索开放的国家,是你们的。The pull of the blaze your pulpy flesh, inspires my hands, the need to explore the open country that is yours.

气得他下车前用刀片把卧铺划了个稀烂,典型的小型恐怖活动。His anger to get off before the blade to a designated sleeper pulpy , a typical small-scale terrorist activities.

以火龙果为主要原料,以柠檬酸、白砂糖、甜蜜素、XC2型饮料悬浮剂等为辅料,研制火龙果果粒悬浮饮料。Pitaya, citric acid, sugar, sodium cyclamate and XC2 suspending agent were used to develop a suspended pulpy beverage.

我们已暂时将吉林省的草莓味果粒奶通通撤柜,”可口可乐回应道。We have temporarily removed strawberry flavored Pulpy Milky product from shelves in Jilin Province only," Coca-Cola said.

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总所周知它可以增强免疫防止感染,而谷胱甘肽则在靠皮部分的红色果肉内。Known to help strengthen the immune system so it can fight infection, glutathione is found in the red pulpy flesh near the rind.

虽然西红柿在美国最喜爱蔬果排行榜中战胜马铃薯取得桂冠。While tomatoes rival potatoes as America's favorite vegetable, many people say they taste funny, feel pulpy in their mouth, or are too bland.

这两个男子坦胸露臂,在低温下镜头前摆甫士。但要吸引身边女子的目光,他们就非要操走松驰肌肉不可。Braving the low temperature, two men bared their chests and posed for the camera. The woman was obviously disinterested in their pulpy muscles.

以芒果为原料,辅以一定的稳定剂,配制出营养丰富,风味独特芒果汁饮料。A mango pulpy juice characterized by abundant nutrients and special flavour was made from mango as the main material with some stabilizers added.

结论髓核中MMP-13的表达增强可能是腰椎间盘退变的重要因素之一。Conclusion The increased expression of MMP-13 in pulpy nucleus indicates that MMP-13 may be one of the important factors leading to intervertebral disc degeneration.

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在无均质机的条件下,清汁型和浊汁型果肉饮料分别采用不同型号的结冷胶等构成其稳定体系。Under the conditions without homogenizers, the stability systems for clear or cloudy pulpy juice beverages were established using different types of gellan gum, etc.

生长于沙漠地区的很大的树一样的仙人掌,有粗的柱状的树干。Extremely large treelike cactus of desert regions of southwestern united states having a thick columnar sparsely branched trunk bearing white flowers and edible red pulpy fruit.

在生命中的最后时光里,他逃离家族产业,以苦行度日,这段传奇早已令所有人耳熟能详,就像某些早期的真人秀节目。The melodrama of his last days, when he fled his family estate to take up the life of an ascetic, was revived in all its pulpy detail, like some kind of early-stage reality television.