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离岸外包作为一种商业概念和企业战略,正在全球各个产业领域流行开来。As business conceptive and corporation policy. offshore-outsourcing is influencing in all kinds of property.

本文针对四位一体中的弱项“水生态”和“水景观”,提出了六个保护建议,并提供了具体思路性对策。In this paper, six approaches and conceptive countermeasures were put forward in respect of water ecology and landscape.

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本文指出,在光行差问题上长期纠缠住“双星矛盾”是概念上的混淆。It is shown that long-time implication of the "binary star paradox" in the question of aberration is a conceptive confusion.

概念隐喻是习语认知研究的题中应有之义,而把概念转喻和共有文化常识作为认知机制参与习语喻义的解析似乎有待于进一步挖掘。In the cognitive analysis of idioms, conceptive metaphor has been far more central than conceptive metonymy and conventional knowledge as it is.

介绍了华林广场上部高层住宅、下部大空间商业用房主体结构的概念设计。This paper presents the conceptive design when the top of the building is tall residence and the bottom of the building is large space structure.

源于西方思想并对整个人类构设影响较大的存在主义,其对中国的影响无疑是重大的。The existentialism that emanate from the west mentality and affect the whole conceptive of human being has undoubtedly important influence on China.

德国当代著名哲学家伽达默尔追随近现代哲学这一主要运思路向、在继承前人的基础上对这一问题作出了有益的思考。Gadamer, a famous modern German philosopher, followed the leading conceptive orientation and contributed helpful consideration to the issue on the basis of predecessors.

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是有别于只此“需要”一条路的设计认识,特别因存在而觉悟可能存在的创造。Conceptive design is a design theory, which research and practice on sapiential existent possibility and possible existent, emphiasize particularly on exist rather than need.

概念设计对于工程的设计具有指导作用,采用概念设计优化扩散器结构的同时尽量减小对环境的影响。The conceptive design method can assist and direct the actual designing. With the conceptive design of the diffuser, the impact of ocean outfall to environment can be minimized.

虚拟仪器技术以其快速、灵活的构建方式、良好的人机界面以及强大的数字信号处理能力,成为设备状态监测系统的一个重要发展方向。LabVIEW technology becomes an important trend of faults monitoring for its flexible conceptive style, favorable man-machine interface and powerful digital signal processing ability.

建筑及环境景观必须充分体现“运河未来与钱江时代”理念,建议概念性设计结合以下方面进行。The building and the environment landscape shall embody the concept of "Future of Canal and Qiangjiang Times". The conceptive design is suggested to incorporate the following aspects.

旋转冲压发动机是一种全新概念发动机,采用激波增压和驻涡燃烧技术,其显著的高效、低污染特性引起越来越多人关注。The rotating ramjet is a new conceptive engine based on the ram-compressed technology without any blade or piston but only a ram-compressed rotor is used as its moving core component.