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支撑架。那是用很厚很厚的纸所造的,比飞机木还要硬。It is made of very thick paper, which is ever harder than balsa.

这船体真的要做到在一个板条,但你知道,我是。Balsa . This hull should really be done on a lath but you know me.

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科学家们从很早就开始推测巴尔沙树的目标客户肯定是蝙蝠。Scientists had long assumed that the balsa tree's target audience must be bats.

厢房的交互重叠是用完全的挑选轻白塞木和玻璃纤维做成的。The sandwich of the wing is made of the perfect selected light balsa and fiberglass.

两人在轻质木材上剜出一些长方形的洞,然后在洞口盖上显微镜玻片。The duo cut rectangular holes in balsa wood and covered them with glass microscope slides.

虽然扎根初期总是一鸣惊人,但很多巴尔沙树活不过三四十年。But it's tough being an upstart, and many balsa trees don't live much past 30 or 40 years of age.

燕尾蝶的身体是用轻木做的,而翅膀的动力来源为用橡皮圈驱动的金属曲柄。The body is built from balsa wood, and the wings powered by a wire crank driven by a rubber band.

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它的建立主要是从巴尔萨和铺设,许多玻璃和碳纤维成型,以减轻重量。It's built mainly from balsa and ply , with many glass and carbon fiber moldings to reduce weight.

用软木制成的椅子非常轻,你被轻木椅子砸上了,你是不会受伤的。A chair made of balsa wood is very light. If you're hit with a balsa wood chair you won't be injured.

是他对铝进行折叠处理,在日本制作陶瓷雕塑,用巴沙木制作精美物件。It was he who folded aluminium, made ceramic sculpture in Japan, created delicate pieces in balsa wood.

在巴拿马的旱季,轻树的花总是在日落时分绽放,轻树的花汁也滋养了各种各样的生物。The balsa tree bursts into bloom at sunset during Panama's dry season, feeding a kaleidoscope of species.

巴拿马的干旱季,巴尔沙树会在日落时分开满鲜花,为各种动物们带来了口福。The balsa tree bursts into bloom at sunset during Panama’s dry season, feeding a kaleidoscope of species.

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又或者你可以用轻质的木片搞个大点的机翼,没准可以装20个引擎。Or you can use a couple of thin slices of balsa to make a huge wing, one that will carry maybe twenty engines.

史诗帐户挪威探险家索尔海尔达尔的独奏1947跨太平洋航行在巴尔沙木筏。An epic account of Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl's solo 1947 voyage across the Pacific on a balsa wood raft.

白面卷尾猴每天都会赶在夜幕降临之前来到它们最喜欢的巴尔沙树上进食。White-faced capuchins, like this mother and baby, arrive daily at their favorite balsa trees just before nightfall.

远古以前,祖先既无可耕之地,也没烹煮用的陶器,必须靠腋窝下加热的木屑泥维生。Long ago, the ancestors had no cultivated plants or clay pots, and had to live on a diet of mashed balsa wood cooked in their armpits.

本文叙述了某大厦筏板基础大体积钢筋砼施工技术。This article introduces the construction technology of large physical volume reinforcement concrete balsa and slab at base of a synthesize mansion.

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考察的目标是重现1947年海耶达尔从秘鲁到波里尼西亚的传奇跨洋旅程「康迪基」。The Tangaroa expedition aims to recreate Thor Heyerdahl's legendary Kon-Tiki voyage across the Pacific Ocean, from Peru to the Polynesia in a balsa raft in 1947.

此酒发展出自然迷人的草莓红砖色。充满红葡萄干、杜松、悬钩子的味道。This Beaune announces its evolved nature with a strawberry brick-red colour. The nose is full of potent, chalky, balsa wood, red currant, juniper and raspberry hair nose.

我总是热衷于制作门阀、起落架、轮子、雕刻飞行员、自制打磨块、轻木刨子、电磨固定架、推力测试台、自制绕线做电机等等。I always prefer to build things like latches, landing gear, wheels, pilot busts, sanding blocks, balsa strippers, sanding fixtures, thrust stands, DIY motor kits, whatever.