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觉得相当植根日本了。I feel fairly rooted in Japan.

猪把花园里的土拱翻了起来。The pigs rooted up the garden.

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这些黑猪用鼻翻拱垃圾。The black pigs rooted for filth.

病根太深,伤在心底。But it rooted in my heart deeply.

还能接受什么思想?In what else could they be rooted?

在一个珍爱的地方扎根永驻。Rooted in one dear perpetual place.

陈旧的思想观念应当肃清。Outdated ideas should be rooted out.

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人人都说他对美国的憎恨来自于美对以色列的仇恨。S. was rooted in a hatred of Israel.

立根原在破岩中。Rooted in the cracked rock they grow.

他惊讶得一动不动地站在原地。He was rooted to the spot by surprise.

根植于泉州大地,并在市场独树一帜。Rooted in quanzhou, and in the market.

玛丽在纪念品堆里翻来翻去。Mary rooted around among her souvenirs.

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树木在肥沃的土壤里已经扎根。The trees have rooted in the rich soil.

他将郁金香球茎植在盆栽土里,等着生根。He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.

他把郁金香的鳞茎种在盆栽用土中使其生根。He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.

猪在森林里用嘴拱土寻找块菌。The pigs rooted for truffle in this forest.

生根的小苗在温室里生长良好。The rooted plantlets survived in greenhouse.

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他将玫瑰插条种在泥土里。He rooted a cutting of the rose in the earth.

他的粗鲁是由于缺乏教育而形成的。His rudeness rooted in his lack of education.

生根的小苗在温室里生长良好。The rooted plantlets grew well in greenhouse.