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周围一团漆黑,她找不到一条道路。In the inky blackness she could find no way around it.

士兵们在一片漆黑中急行军40英里。In inky darkness the men made a forced march of 40 miles.

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深紫色,带有鲜艳的深红色与黑墨色彩。Intense purple with a black inky depth and a bright crimson hue.

说着便抓起豆泥莲蓉珍珠糊,往她脸上涂去。And he began applying the pearly , gluey mess to her inky cheeks.

他记忆犹新,他曾「纵身跃入一潭漆黑的湖水中」。He recalls poignantly how he "plunged into a terrible black inky lake."

墨紫色泽,透焕出花朵、黑色水果香气。Its inky color is accompanied by an intense perfume of flowers, black fruits.

当她吸进墨鱼汁浸透的面条时,她在微笑,当她肢解生着长长的触须的龙虾时还是在笑。She smiled while slurping the inky noodles, while dissecting the antennaed prawns.

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两手伸出似墨染,又刨又抓又扶筐。Inky hands stretched out to their precious, digging, pawing and seizing their gabions.

北佛罗里达州冼库漆黑的深水里,一只晶莹剔透的盲眼小龙虾正在游动。A blind, albino crayfish swims through the inky depths of Sims Sink in northern Florida.

波涛汹涌如山,闪电象一把叉子似地划破了漆黑的云层。The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning.

那道裂隙改变了,从无可逼视的彩色变成了难以形容的墨黑,然后,裂隙撞上了这个星球。The rift changes, from colors impossible to describe to inky black, and it strikes the planet.

我两眼瞅着一片黑暗,耳听附近州际公路上过往的卡车和轿车呼啸不停。I looked at the inky darkness and listened the noise of the passing trucks and cars on the highway.

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这些发现可能解释了为什么这些漆黑的睾丸在动物王国中神秘的被发现了。These findings could explain why such inky testicles are mysteriously found throughout the animal kingdom.

红地毯变色龙丽亚·米雪儿加入海军蓝行列,同时上身搭配亮片长衫并涂抹深蓝甲油。Red carpet chameleon Lea Michele joins the navy, synching up her midnight sequin gown with inky lacquered nails.

乐队在巴提克酒吧里演奏,十层高的邮轮划过漆黑水面,如同过去的十四年一般。A band was playing in the Baltic Bar, and the 10-deck vessel churned through the inky waters as it had for 14 years.

本书其余四分之三以上的篇幅描述的是奥茨对暗无天际的寡妇生活的感受。The rest of the book, over three-quarters of it, sees Ms Oates feeling her way through the inky darkness of widowhood.

奥巴马夫人喜欢稍有创新的经典,墨青色正是除了黑色之外最能提亮肤色的颜色。Mrs. Obama loves classics with a twist and Inky indigo is the ultimate complexion-enhancing alternative to basic black.

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此作的视觉表现力突出,画面的墨色层次丰富多变,浑然天成,一任自然率真之气,充满了神秘之感。The visual expression is outstanding. The picture's inky level is rich and changeful. It is full of mysterious feeling.

然而,一项最新的研究表明,这个显然是漆黑一片的世界似乎丝毫没有将照射在它身上的光线反射出去。Yet the apparently inky world appears to reflect almost none of the starlight that shines on it, according to a new study.

它有一种似墨深的红宝石颜色,复杂的樱桃,莓子和葡萄干混于桂香和橡木香草的香味。It has an inky dark ruby colour, a complex nose of cherries, raspberries and raisins with a hint of cinnamon and oaky vanilla.