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但是,对于网络和生物威胁,我们却无能为力。Not so for many cyber and bio threats.

淄博龙宝生物食品有限公司公司。Bio Foods Co. , Ltd. Zibo Longbao company.

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这个村子的一切都是原生态的。原生态蔬菜。Everything in this village is bio. Bio-vegetables.

生物柴油是最接近石化柴油的绿色替代燃油。Bio -diesel is one of the best substitute green fuel.

Bio机器人冰箱是通过液体生态聚合物发光来制冷的。The Bio Robot fridge cools biopolymer gel through luminescence.

菜籽皮壳的利用以及生物柴油的生产。Utilization of rapeseed hull and production of bio diesel fuel.

如果你有兴趣,可以点击我的链接去看了解更多。If you’re interested to learn more, there’s a direct link in my bio.

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你不只是看一个电缆约是亿万富翁说唱大亨生物。You are not just watching a cable bio about a zillionaire rap mogul.

现在,作为生物技术的世界领导者,我们必须努力追赶。Now, after being a world leader in bio tech, we've got to play catchup.

看看你的粉丝页。如果有人的微博看起来好玩,回粉。Check out your followers. If someone's bio looks interesting, follow them.

这款有机葡萄酒非常适合搭配乳酪,烧烤和禽类的肉食。Dulong Bio is the perfect accompaniment for cheeses, roasted and game meats.

对马乌莱和比奥比奥沿海地区来说,这些预警为时已晚。Those alerts came too late for the shoreline communities of Maule and Bio Bio.

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目的探讨肝素抗凝血浆用于急诊生化检验的可行性。Conclusion Heparin plasma is suitable for testing the above eight emergency bio.

人类生命的延续沿着生物遗传和文化遗传两条途径进行。The extension of human life along the bio -genetic and cultural genetic two ways.

大多数女士相信男士的个人简介能使她们更好地判断她们是否会喜欢这次约会。Most believed the bio would enable them to better gauge if they would like the date.

以粮食为基础的生物能源已有危及粮食安全的倾向。Bio -energy based on the grain has had the tendency of endangering the food security.

在圣佩德罗市内的比奥比奥河边,一座购物中心被洗劫一空。Across the Bio Bio River in the city of San Pedro, looters cleared out a shopping mall.

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目的研究小分子有机生物碱类药物格列维克的三维结构与生理活性之间的关系。Aim To research the relationship between the 3D structures and bio activities of gleevec.

尤其是在新疆苔藓植物生态学和多样性方面的研究仍处于空白状态。Especially, the research of bryophyte ecology and bio diversity are still in blank field.

网站将展示他们的生物艺术家从收集图像和群组图像。Website will display images from the collection and group images by artists with their bio.