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在名古屋达成的协议将有望改变这一切。Hopefully the agreement reached in Nagoya will change all that.

国泰航空公司来回香港至名古屋机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Nagoya on CX.

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就像名古屋和东京一样,金泽坐落于本州岛。Just like Nagoya and Tokyo Kanazawa is located on Honshu, Japan's main island.

黑人的父亲是华航的机长,在1994年的名古屋空难中不幸丧生。Blackie's father was the pilot of the tragic 1994 China Airlines plane crash in Nagoya.

名古屋大学的鹭谷威教授说,3-11大地震还“激活”了内陆的断层。Professor Sagiya of Nagoya University says the March 11 quake also “activated” inland faults.

日本本州中部一城市,为名古屋市纺织工业郊区。人口257,392。A city of central Honshu, Japan, a textile-manufacturing suburb of Nagoya. Population, 257,392.

东京、横浜、川崎、名古屋等大城市的图书馆损失最为显著。Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Nagoya and other major cities of the library lost the most significant.

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来自日本名古屋的艺术家鹫尾友公,从他几年前一场非常严重的车祸中得到了创作新生命。Nagoya artist Washio Tomoyuki entered a new phase when he got into a horrific accident several years ago.

丰田总部所在的名古屋,商场销售额和税收都急剧下降。Department store sales and tax revenues in Nagoya where the automaker is based are also declining sharply.

2002年,在第四届日本名古屋国际芭蕾舞比赛中获成年组女子金奖。In 2002, she won the Gold Medal at the 4th Nagoya International Ballet & Modern Dance competition in Japan.

从去年年末开始,芬航一直在亚洲增设航班。除了大阪,首尔和名古屋的航班也会增加。From the end of last year, Finnair has added direct flights not only to Osaka, but also to Seoul and Nagoya.

在离开摩纳哥一年之后,他被任命为名古屋八鲸队的主教练,征战刚刚起步的J联赛。A year after leaving Monaco he was named coach of Nagoya Grampus Eight in what was still the fledgling J-League.

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2005年5月19日,日本爱知世界博览会中国馆馆日开幕式在名古屋市世博园隆重举行。On May 19, 2005, the opening ceremony of China Pavilion Day officially opened at the Aichi World Expo in Nagoya.

每一项任务均针对一个特定的政府,要求他们在名古屋召开会议之前将其签署。Each will be targeted at a particular government, and they will be asked to sign up to it before the meeting in Nagoya.

东电社长清水正孝身处外地,打算从名古屋搭军用飞机返回福岛。East Power President Masataka Shimizu living overseas, intend to take military aircraft to return from Nagoya Fukushima.

他爱上了个一模一样的收银员,19岁,很漂亮,在名古屋附近一个小镇上的杂货铺工作。He had fallen in love with the very girl, 19, beautiful, a cashier in the convenience store in a small town near Nagoya.

去年,各国政府在日本爱知县举行的名古屋生物多样性首脑会议上商定了一项新的生物多样性战略计划。Last year, governments agreed on a new strategic plan for biodiversity at the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit in Aichi, Japan.

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财团法人爱知产业振兴机构是爱知县名古屋市的中小企业支援机构。Aichi Industry Promotion Organization, located in Nagoya Japan, is a public organization to support small & medium enterprises.

去年,各国政府在日本爱知县举行的名古屋生物多样性首脑会议上商定了一项新的生物多样性战略计划。Last year, governments coincided on a new strategic arrange for biodiversity by the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit in Aichi, Japan.

据日本共同社报道,一家可让顾客和兔子亲密接触的“兔兔咖啡馆”自在名古屋开张以来,生意非常兴隆。According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, a cafe in Nagoya has lured many customers by giving them opportunities to play with rabbits.