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文化素养从不停滞。Literacy skills never stop.

为什么我们一开始就强调文化素养呢?Why literacy in the first place?

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我们还有扫盲问题。We still have a literacy problem.

成年人扫盲是个难题。Adult literacy is a global problem.

它与科技息息相关。Literacy is a neighboring technology.

之后,文字又重新回到了希腊的世界Then literacy returns to the Greek world.

文化素养不仅仅由其本身决定。Literacy turns around not often by itself.

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媒介素养课程是一项迫切的需要。Classes in media literacy are a pressing need.

在美国存在着读写能力的危机。There is a crisis of literacy in this country.

我们要保证世界上所有人都能够提升文化素养。We have to guarantee universal access to literacy.

全球范围内,非文盲率继续提高。Around the world, literacy rates continue to climb.

文化素养既指内容科技,也指信息科技。Literacy is both content and information technology.

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聋哑学校,韩珊教孩子们识字跳舞。Deaf school, HanShan teach children literacy dancing.

语言和读写能力是人类的最伟大发明。Language and literacy are among greatests greatest s.

不仅仅是简单的文化素养。What we need, well, let me tell, is no single literacy.

到中后期,这两种技能开始向商人等中等阶层扩展。Later on, literacy gradually expanded in the middling order.

资浅教师在影响因素之资讯素养是较高。The junior teachers were higher on the information literacy.

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公司是在1989年成立,目的是致力于英语识读及学习。We are a company dedicated to English literacy and learning.

盲文是识字和就业成功的保障。Braille is attached to literacy and to success in employment.

识字教育是从东边,也就是从德国,传至法国的。Literacy came to France from the east, that is, from Germany.