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对所有色彩具有感光性。She has an unusual sensibility for colors.

没有一个有鉴赏力的人会买这本书。No one with sensibility would buy the book.

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会反思的战士有一种悲剧敏感性。Reflective warriors have a tragic sensibility.

手指短而粗硬被认为缺少灵活性。A short stubby hand argues a lack of sensibility.

它提高了两代人对诗的敏感力。It sharpened the poetic sensibility of two generations.

即使如此,也不能代替的艺术感受力。Even so, there is no substitute for artistic sensibility.

这篇文章是对人类高尚品德的冒犯。This article is an offense on the sensibility of mankind.

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我们正走向一个更干净、更柔软、更女性化和更感性的方向。We're moving into a cleaner, softer, lady-like sensibility.

“太绝情了吧。”抗议声四起。"Too unique sensibility. "The protest voice rises everywhere.

裂纹敏感性是钢的焊接性的重要内容之一。The crack sensibility is one important content in steel weldability.

他是如此愚钝,缺乏辨别力和敏感度。He is so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.

但是F-35从对越少越好的感性认识上来说是最好的阐释。But the F-35 is the ultimate expression of the less-is-more sensibility.

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我认为她秉性自然,有着跟我类似的某种感知力。I think she is so natural and has a kind of sensibility similar to mine.

确定了该体系的下临界电位和SCC敏感电位范围。The down critical potential and sensibility zone of SCC was ascertained.

我有位朋友,他是意大利一个具有非凡艺术敏感的制片商。I have a friend who’s an Italian filmmaker of great artistic sensibility.

而今他的黑暗的喜剧元素,进入了高雅文化的殿堂。Now his darkly comic sensibility is penetrating a temple of high culture.

但是F-35从对越少越好的感性认识上来说是最好的阐释。But the F-35 is the ultimate expression_r of the less-is-more sensibility.

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缢蛏稚贝对盐度的敏感性,比它对温度的敏感性来得强。The sensibility of spat to salinity was stronger than that to temperature.

拥有结构性嗅觉的程序员避开了这片沼泽。Programmers with a shred of architectural sensibility shun these quagmires.

偏度对研究区沉积环境差异的敏感性是有限的。The sensibility of skewness to variation of sedimentary environment is finite.