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伊顿学院由亨利六世于1440年创建。Eton College was founded by Henry VI in 1440.

伊顿公学是亨利六世于1440年创建的。Eton College was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI.

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我在伊顿公学过了三年狂放不羁、频频作恶的生活。My life at Eton lasted for three wild and evil years.

1811年,英国伊顿公学学子举行了八人赛艇比赛。Eton boys were competing in eights in England in 1811.

伊顿和哈罗是英国最有名的两所私立学校。Eton and Harrow are two of England's most famous public schools.

裕景大饭店将于今年三月一日迎来盛大开业。The Eton Hotel, Shanghai will go into full operation this March.

上海裕景大饭店已做好准备,随时恭候您的光临。The Eton Hotel, Shanghai is ready. Are you ready to discover Eton?

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伊顿公学是一所只有上流社会的子弟才上得起的学校。Eton is a school that only the children of the upper crust can afford.

伊恩·弗莱明在愚弄了一位仆人吼被驱逐出了伊顿。Ian Fleming was expelled from Eton after some hanky-panky with a maid.

英国有伊顿公学和牛津大学,美国圣保罗中学和哈佛大学。The British have had Eton and Oxford, the U.S. St. Paul's and Harvard.

威廉王子在第一天去温莎附近的伊顿公学的路上。Prince William on his way to his first day at Eton school near Windsor.

裕景国际商务广场地处繁华的浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区的中心位置。Eton Place is in the heart of the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Pudong.

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2007年,2200平方米的甲级商业大厦-MLS裕景国际商务广场正式开盘。In 2007, MLS opened Eton Place, a 2,200 square meters A-grade commercial building.

在伊顿,年轻人们站成一群,喊到谁,谁就把帽子举起来示意。At Eton the boys stand in a cluster and lift their hats when their names are called.

英国人将其对抗拿破仑的胜利归功于伊顿公学里玩的游戏。The British credited their victory over Napoleon to the games played on the fields of Eton.

从2007年裕景大饭店开业以来,他们一直以良好的形象而闻名于业界。The Eton Hotel has established itself with quite a reputation since its grand opening in 2007.

在此,由衷地感谢上海裕景大饭店为我们的2009年留下了最难以忘怀的回忆!We would thank the The Eton Hotel Shanghaifor giving us the most memorable experience in 2009.

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显然,当伊顿公学的男生们被一群猎犬追得落荒而逃时,这种游戏让她得到了满足。Apparently, she adored a game where Eton boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure.

据说国王看中了这位44岁的总理,他曾就读于伊顿公学和牛津大学。The king, it is said, has taken rather a shine to the 44-year-old, schooled at Eton and Oxford.

英国最盛名的四所公学是伊顿公学、哈罗公学、温彻斯特公学和拉格比公学。The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.