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用工单位不得将被派遣劳动者再派遣到其他用人单位。No accepting entity may reassign the dispatched workers to any other employer.

人口普查工作组的负责人将会重新安排一个能讲这种语言的调查员来完成工作。A census crew Leader will then reassign the case to a person who speaks that language.

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但愿这个恼人的孩子会表现出一下迹象,已经快一个星期了,如果他还不露出迹象,组织就要重新交付我任务,会经历更长的时间一直到我收到了自己的徒弟。If he doesn’t show soon, they’ll reassign me. That much longer until I get my apprentice.

这就让业务管理员有机会将此任务重新分配给其他人。This gives a business administrator the opportunity to reassign the task to somebody else.

还是应该解雇员工或找个能够漂亮地完成工作的人呢?Or should you fire or reassign them and bring employees who can perform at a high enough level?

当你把邮件移到了新账户后,你可以分配回原来的标签,删掉后来添加的。When you get the messages to your new account, you can reassign the original labels and delete the third one.

例如,他可以访问目录文件以及恶意地为另一个虚拟机重新分配实例资源。For example, he may access directory files and maliciously reassign instance resources to another virtual machine.

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共享过的文档和演示文稿,在删除你的帐户之前,你需要重新分配文件的所有权,转移给其他用户。With shared documents and presentations, you’ll want to reassign ownership to another user before deleting your account.

有时给员工换一个上司也是必需的,能让他们继续为公司进献价值。At times it was necessary to reassign the employee to a different manager so they could continue to be of value to the company.

如果电子邮件收件人不可用,则管理员将无法向其他人重新分配工作。If the person you send the email to is not available, there is no way for an administrator to reassign the work to someone else.

为什么阿达玛上将重新委派他的儿子,李在准备审判期间飞行蝮蛇机保护罗摩·拉姆金?Why does Admiral Adama reassign his son, Lee, from piloting a Viper to security for Romo Lampkin during the lead up to the trial?

团队可以通过使用工作项评论特性来进行协作,然后完成或者如有需要则重新分配工作。The team can collaborate on the blockers by using the work item commenting feature, and then finish or reassign the work as needed.

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最后他也要决定是否要合并和重新安排多重联邦和各州的监管职能。Eventually, he must also decide whether to merge or reassign the responsibilities of America’s multiple federal and state regulators.

一旦对软件的需求减少,系统可以通过再分配的方式,将闲置的机器资源分配给其他软件。If demand for the application goes down, the system can reassign those machine resources to other applications when they are no longer needed.

随着您的测试周期的发展,您可能需要将测试用例从一个测试计划移动到另一个测试计划。As your test cycle evolves, you may need to move test cases from one test plan to another. To do this, you can simply reassign the parent test cases

项目经理应该跟职能经理一起,重新分配人力到新的项目中,并告诉团队成员未来工作分配的计划。The project manager should work with functional managers to reassign personnel to new projects and present team members’ plans for future assignments.

但愿这个恼人的孩子会表现出一下迹象,已经快一个星期了,如果他还不露出迹象,组织就要重新交付我任务,会经历更长的时间一直到我收到了自己的徒弟。If only this annoying boy would show the signs. It's been almost a week. If he doesn't show soon, they'll reassign me. That much longer until I get my apprentice.

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上述功能使用互联网协议,并将计算机信息发送给服务提供商,例如您的互联网协议地址、操作系统的类型、浏览器、您正使用的软件的名称和版本,以及已安装软件的装置的语言代码。When you reassign a license from one device or user to another, you must remove the software or block access from the former device or from the former user's device.

有人建议,对改了行的,如果有水平,有培养前途,可以设法收一批回来。Some comrades have suggested that efforts be made to reassign persons who have changed their line of work but who had shown skill and promise in their former professions.

下面的功能房间是根据预计的人员数量来进行分配的。酒店保留功能房间的再分配权。The following function rooms are assigned according to the estimated guaranteed number of persons. The hotel reserves the option to reassign function rooms should the need arise.