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“那是一个了不起的城市,”埃米尔说。“It is a marvellous city, ” Emil said.

见到你可太好啦!'她兴奋地说。It's so marvellous to see you! ' she twittered.

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这是一个了不起的看法CUSAT和附近地区。It was a marvellous view of CUSAT and near by areas.

那钢琴师弹的协奏曲神乎其技。The pianist's execution of the concerto was marvellous.

他是一个两脚都会控球并了不起的射手。He's a marvellous stricker of the ball with either foot.

上帝保佑你们,你们这帮呱呱叫的会打仗的傻瓜蛋。God bless you all, you marvellous gang of fighting fools.

丹霞洞穴是泰宁的另一奇观。Red glow burrow is another marvellous spectacle of Tai Ning.

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楚辞”是奇谲瑰丽的楚文化的精华。The Songs of Chu" is the essence of marvellous Chu culture."

他正读着尤利乌斯·恺撒闪光的字句和辉煌的功业。Reading the marvellous words and achievements of Julius Caesar.

当她经过村民的时候,有奇妙的香味飘了过来。As she passed the villagers, a most marvellous smell drifted down.

你是个完全武断的人,因此非常神奇。You are a sheer dogmatist, and that's what makes it so marvellous.

那条从贵阳到开阳的省级公路的确是棒极了。The provincial road from Guiyang to Kaiyang was, indeed, marvellous.

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休息天到郊外走走看看,不失为一个好方法。Go and look around the suburb is a marvellous way to spend a day off.

博比·克罗斯曼绝妙的服装为华丽的舞台增色不少。The superb sets are enhanced by Bobby Crossman's marvellous costumes.

新的BWIN总部面对大教堂的绝妙包厢。The new Bwin headquarters faces the Duomo with this marvellous balcony.

那奇迹的玫瑰变成了深红色,就像东方升起的太阳。And the marvellous rose became crimson, like the rose of the eastern sky.

此刻,我想与大家一同欣赏这座美轮美奂的体育场。I want to take a moment with you all to recognize this marvellous stadium.

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辛克莱尔第一个精妙绝伦的进球是后脚跟进的,球擦守门员而过,漂亮!Scott's first goal was a marvellous kick with the heel past the goalkeeper.

吉姆和凯斯在斯托克和洛克达尔的工作都十分出色。And Jim and Keith are both doing marvellous jobs with Stockport and Rochdale.

桂林以婀娜多姿的奇山秀水著称于世。Gui Lin is famous for the graceful water and marvellous mountain in the world.