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杨致远和费罗是旧识。Filo and Jerry Yang of the old knowledge.

费罗和杨,仍青年男子,成了富翁。Filo and Yang, still young men, became rich.

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取一张擀得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一层熔化的牛油。Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.

玛丽亚费罗是巴西的时装品牌在位于里约热内卢。Maria Filo is a Brazilian fashion brand located in Rio de Janeiro.

听起来就很无聊,杨致远和费罗就翘课跑去上网。It was as dull as it sounds, so Yang and Filo skipped class to surf the web.

面对微软的收购,杨致远和费罗继续选择了拒绝。Microsoft's acquisition of the face, Jerry Yang and Filo had refused to choose.

杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obligations.

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创始人杨先生先生和费罗不关注的最佳利益为雅虎的市场份额持有人。The founders Mr. Yang and Mr. Filo do not concern the best interests for Yahoo's share-holders.

雅虎在1994年开始于两个斯坦福大学的学生大卫·费罗和杰里·杨的策划。Yahoo started in 1994 as the project of two Stanford Universi- ty students, David Filo and Jerry Yang.

13年前杨致远和同窗费罗创立雅虎的时候,他们所作出的一系列决定都是正确的。When Jerry Yang and fellow-student David Filo founded Yahoo 13 years ago, they made all the right moves.

当时,杨致远和费罗意识到手中的东西是笔大生意,就决定一起合作,并获得了红杉资本的投资。It was then that Yang and Filo realized they had a business on their hands, decided to stick together, and received funding from Sequoia Capital.

当初,斯坦福大学的两名学生大卫·菲罗和杨致远在校园的一辆拖车里创建了雅虎网的前身。The web portal has undergone remarkable change since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer.

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他说缺乏激情是杨致远和大卫.费罗选择不将所有时间花在他们所创建的公司上的原因。That deficit of passion, he suggested, was a reason that Jerry Yang and David Filo chose not to be fully engaged full-time with the company they created.

网景也希望利用股票互换收购雅虎,然而杨致远和费罗同样拒绝了,因为他们要开创属于自己的事业。Netscape also hope to use the stock swap acquisition of Yahoo, Jerry Yang and Filo , however rejected the same, because they have to create their own cause.

利用在网络核心的开放源码软件,其简单的发展模式,像杰里杨致远和大卫费罗企业家能够做到这一点。Using the open-source software at the heart of the Web, and its simpler development paradigm, entrepreneurs like Jerry Yang and David Filo were able to do just that.

尽管如此,公司内部仍有人支持杨致远.他的支持者表示,他对于1995年亲手创建的企业走向和文化感到非常担忧.他们赞颂杨致远在公司艰难时期挺身而出,再次试图提振雅虎,就像他在2007年接过执行长工作一样.Nevertheless, Yang still retains pockets of support inside the company. His supporters say he has a deep concern for the direction and culture of the business he founded with Filo in 1995.