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你是小日本吗?。Are you a jap?

或者鬼子的刺刀?。Or a jap bayonet?

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鬼子的万岁冲锋就要到眼前了!The Jap banzai charge is right there!

它是每个日本士兵基础训练的一部分。It is a part of every Jap soldier's basic training.

日本人的训练方法即缺乏幽默感又不知疲倦。Jap training methods are both humorless and tireless.

日本在60年前被打败。中国将是下一个。Jap was defeated 60 years ago. Chinawill be the next one.

那小男孩儿的父亲,就站在那日本鬼子的后面。By the little boy's father, appearing right behind the Jap !

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最大的变化是由日本带来的。But the biggest part of the change had been brought about by the Jap.

日本伊奈全球总裁杉野正博昨天接受记者专访时说。Jap an Yinai Global CEO Flowery wild is Bo said in an interview yesterday.

但这小日本说着超好的娘希匹的英语而且他看来还很了解法律。But this Jap speaks excellent fucking English and he seems to know a lot of law.

如果中国人不愿意对我们美国人磕头,我们将象对待日本猪那样对待你们。But if you Chinese dont wanna kowtow to us, we will treat you like how we treat Jap pigs.

我周围的哈日族们捐钱给他们,但我想给他们我的尸体。Jap lovers all around me were donating to them, but I would give money to them over my dead body.

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日本人放火烧毁庄稼,绿色的河谷和城池外的一切。The Jap destroyed the rice crop, scorched the green valley and burrowed in behind the great wall.

孩子,如果中国有100架好驱逐机和100名优秀飞行员,他们就会消灭日本空军。Boy, if the Chinese only had 100 good pursuit planes and 100 fair pilots, they'd exterminate the Jap air force!

在目前计划下,福尔摩沙日本人实际上是和从中国本土所遣返之日本国民被置于同样类别。Formosa Japs under present plans are in effect placed in same category as Jap nationals being repatriated from China proper.

费尔说他跟救世军抵抗了三个晚上,比他跟那个日本人在音乐厅摔跤要难得多。Todger Fairmile said he wrestled for three nights against his Salvation harder than he ever wrestled with the Jap at the music hall.

如果日本的进攻遭到反击,他们还是要前进,这给日本步兵带来了巨大伤亡。If Jap attackers meet resistance, they advance anyhow—which accounts for the terrible slaughter to which Japanese troops submit themselves.

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我非常高兴地看到JAP和其他管理学顶级期刊一样正在收到越来越多的来自中国研究者的稿件。It is very exciting that JAP and other top journals in management have received an increasing number of submissions from researchers in China.

这样的效果会导致日本或者纳粹敌人踉跄倒地,当他倒地后,对于轻松踢向他肋部或太阳穴的踢击门户大开。The effect is to cause the Jap or Nazi to topple to the ground, leaving him open for an easy kick to the rib area or temple, after he is down.

即使经历了日本和西方的毒手后的150年持久痛苦之后,他们两个二重唱还曾经试图分裂中国的兄弟姐妹们。These duo have tried to split Chinese brothers and sisters even after 150 years of endurance pains that have suffered in the hands of Jap and Westerners.