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这可能是腺苷参与镇痛的突触前抑制机制之一。This might be one of the mechanisms that underlie presynaptic inhibition in DRG.

应当考虑突触前的手术对临时突触的稳定性和相应功能的影响。Here, temporal synaptic stability and the functional consequences for presynaptic operation will be considered.

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突触前轴突末端动作电位到来之际,突触泡同突触前膜相融合。Synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane upon the arrival of an action potential at the presynaptic axon terminal.

在右侧,电子断层扫描图片显示了囊泡与突触前细胞膜结合的过程。On the right, a freeze fracture scanning electron micrograph shows vesicles in the process of fusing with the presynaptic membrane.

结果提示,L-甲状腺素钠能增强神经-肌肉传递,其起源可能是突触前的。These results suggest that L-thyroxine sodium could increase neuromuscular transmission, and the effect seems to be presynaptic in nature.

而且,我们发现突触前灭活早老蛋白而突触后未灭活时改变了突触的短期可塑性和突触易化。Moreover, we found that presynaptic but not postsynaptic inactivation of presenilins alters short-term plasticity and synaptic facilitation.

结论脑干组织中的突触前成分在损伤早期即有改变,有可能影响神经递质的释放。Conclusions The presynaptic element in brainstem is altered at early stage of injury, which may interfere with the release of neurotransmitter.

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它们从所谓的突触前神经元出发,通过神经元之间的微小间隔,而与突触后神经元细胞膜上的受体相接。They do so by traveling from the so-called presynaptic neuron across a tiny gap to bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron's cell membrane.

突触前递质释放装置的发育成熟和突触后受体的转运是中枢神经系统突触发育过程中非常重要的两个方面。The H 3 receptors are presynaptic receptors which regulate the synthesis and release of histamine in histaminergic neurons in central nervous system.

化学突触也经常用来放大神经信号,即便是一个很小的突触后细胞也能改变一个很大的突触后细胞对信号的响应。Chemical synapses also serve to amplify neuronal signals, so that even a small presynaptic nerve terminal can alter the response of a large postsynaptic cell.

免疫电镜还显示有TH阳性神经元胞体和轴突末梢,后者可作为突触前成分与TH阴性结构形成突触。Especially, there were TH-like positive cell bodies and axonal endings which formed synapses as presynaptic elements with TH negative postsynaptic structures.

标记的皮质投射神经元的树突主要作为突触后成分与轴突或突触前树突形成轴树突触或树树突触。The dendrites of the TCP neurons usually make axodendritic synapses and dendrodendritic synapses with axonal terminals and presynaptic dendrites, respectively.

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锌离子随着神经元的活动从突触前膜的囊泡中释放到突触间隙,对突触内受体进行调控。This divalent cation is released from presynaptic vesicles into the synaptic cleft upon neuronal activity and acts as a modulator of many ligand-gated ion channels.

本实验结果提示猫脊髓后角浅层内MOR阳性神经元的功能活动可能受到突触前成分释放的GABA的影响。The present results suggest MOR-positive neurons in the superficial layers of the cat spinal cord may be modulated by GABA releasing from presynaptic axon terminals.

这些实验研究揭发了,以前突触无讯号传递值分泌,影响作用中的成熟突触传导。This work reveals that functional maturation of synaptic transmission involves transformation of presynaptic silent secretion into mature synaptic transmitter release.

研究人员指出,当这些大麻素神经传递物与CB1结合,有时会阻止突触前神经元释放兴奋性神经传递物。Researchers showed that when these neurotransmitters lock onto CB1 they can in some cases block presynaptic cells from releasing excitatory neurotransmitters. As Wade G.

近年来,一种位于突触前膜、囊泡膜及神经胶质细胞膜上的糖蛋白—神经递质转运体逐渐成为神经科学界研究的热点。Recently, transporter, that is a sort of protein located in the presynaptic membrane, vesicle membrane and glia cell membrane, has been the study hotspot of neuroscience.

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我们的研究挑战以长期电位画在CA1促成前突触的改变,并建议一个简单的以后突触改变结构的诱发与显示的长期电位化。Our findings challenge the view that LTP in CA1 involves a presynaptic modification, and suggest instead a simple postsynaptic mechanism for both induction and expression of LTP.

结论初步确定乙醇促进NMJ兴奋传递的部位是在突触前,其机制是使突触前释放的递质的量子数增加。Conclusion Ethanol can increase the quantal number of transmitters released from presynaptic part. That may be one of the reasons why ethanol can facilitate the transmission at the NMJ.

DSI要能够发生,必定先有某个未知的信使从突触后细胞跑到分泌GABA的突触前细胞,而关闭了GABA这个神经传递物的释放。For DSI to have occurred, some unknown messenger must have traveled from the postsynaptic cell to the presynaptic GABA-releasing one and somehow shut off the neurotransmitter's release.