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一切准备工作就绪后,他们就秘密进发了。After all preparations were made, they setoff secretly.

书面通知要把账目抵消依据列入清单。The Written Notice will specify the basis for the setoff.

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纸张印刷未乾燥前请勿移动,以免印刷品有背印异常产生。A. Don't move the printed paper before the ink dries to avoid setoff.

中国人民银行的亏损由中央财政拨款弥补。Losses of the PBC shall be setoff by allocations of the central finance.

在产生的结果方面,毅力往往可以与天才相媲美。On the field of generated result, your perseverance often can setoff with the talent.

使用透明薄织物或板条百叶窗,在家具或衬托物上增添闪光的金属材料。Use transparent small tissue or attrib wattle shutter, flashy metallic stuff is added on furniture or setoff.

多次切割后加工光洁度最高可达1um,可与慢走丝机床媲美。Cuts the postprocessing smooth finish to be highest many times may reach 1um, may with walk the silk engine bed setoff slowly.

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成千上万个失败者才涌现一个胜利者,这个胜利者最终仍将被取代,挤出光荣榜榜——这就是竞技运动的规律。This is the rule of sports—thousands of losers to setoff one victor who in turn will eventually be replaced by someone on the honour list.

印刷品堆叠量需作适当之管制,因未完全乾燥之印刷品,若堆叠过量会导致背面反印及印刷慢乾。B. The stacks of the presswork shall be controlled appropriately. Setoff may be caused and the ink may dry slowly if too much presswork is stacked.

破产法上的抵销权源于民法中债的抵销权,故具有民法抵销权的一些特征。The right of setoff in law of bankruptcy is based on the seto ff of obligation in civil law, thereby it has some characteristics of that in ci vil law.

这是自由狂放的,是寒山中的极致,远峰、孤舟、烟雨和萧寺,只是绝妙的陪衬。This is free and unrestrained and the acme among cold mountains whilst remote peaks, lonely boat, mist and drizzle and desolate temple are but admirable setoff.

要强调提高标线的视认性,防粘脏性,防滑性,通过的平顺性,雨天和夜晚的反光性等实际使用性能。More attentions have been given to enhancement of discernibleness, anti setoff properties, anti-skid properties, smooth-riding, reflectiveness in rainy days and at night time.

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最后分析了保险经纪人在代收代付保险费过程中适用民法关于债的抵消一般规定,着重分析了三种抵消方式所适用的条件、程序与法律后果。At last, the author reviews insurance brokers process the debt setoff stipulated in the civil law, especially about the setoff ways and their respective conditions and legal outcomes.