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削减出租车的税费。Axe the tax on taxis.

所有的出租车都满了。All the taxis are full.

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她说的没错,出租车和豪华轿车就是罪魁祸首。Taxis and, yes, limos are culprits.

公务车和出租车等。Including commercial vehicles and taxis.

有公共汽车、中巴、出租车和私人汽车等。We have buses, minibuses, taxis and cars.

他带她朝一溜出租车走去。He shepherded her towards a line of taxis.

您好,天远出租车公司为您服务。Hello, Tianyuan's Taxis. How may I help you?

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这里的生活支出费用挺低,但乘出租车却贵得要命。Life here is as cheap as taxis are expensive.

飞机降落了,并滑行到位。The plane comes in and taxis up to its place.

街道挤满了出租车和三轮车。The street is jammed with taxis and pedicabs.

整条街上到处是出租车和三轮车。The street is jammed with taxis and pedicabs.

欧盟拟为公交车辆装“黑匣子”。EU proposes 'black boxes' for buses and taxis.

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很多出租汽车在市区内缓缓行驶以招揽生意。Many taxis were cruising in the downtown area.

出租汽车排成一行等人雇车。Taxis stand in a taxi rank waiting to be hired.

若走路太多可试乘的士或巴士。Try taxis or buses if walking becomes too much.

马德里的出租车每天几乎要营运20个小时。Taxis in Madrid run for nearly 20 hours per day.

您还可以使用在的士及巴士上。You can also use the card in taxis and on buses.

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脱位处以整复手法为主。Dislocations should be treated chiefly with taxis.

在北京捷出租比在纽约容易多了。Taxis are easier to find in Beijing than New York.

在其酒店费用、出租车费或者酒吧消费的基础之上。of the bill in restaurants or in taxis or in bars.