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我高高举起我的手,把我的小兰花送到他的面前。I raised my hand to him my little cymbidium lying in my hand.

大花蕙兰,又叫虎头兰、喜姆比兰和蝉兰。Cymbidium, also known as tiger orchid, Cymbidium orchid, and cicadas.

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我以为你会看到这寒兰开花的。I thought you would have seen the flower of the Cymbidium Kanran Mak.

兰花是绍兴市花,是我国传统名花。Cymbidium is the city flower of Shaoxing and also a famous flower in China.

绍兴自然条件优越,适宜兰花生长发育。Natural condition is convinient to grow and develop for Cymbidium in Shaoxing.

在水分亏缺下以外源SA和6-BA处理大花蕙兰叶片。Leaves of Cymbidium hybridum were treated with SA and 6-BA on water Deficiency.

湖南兰属植物有7种、2变种和众多的栽培品种。There are 7 species, 2 varieties and many cultivated breeds of Cymbidium in Hunan.

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他下了马,就是那匹马,它的蹄践踏了我的小兰花。He dismounts the horse whose hoofs has trampled on my little cymbidium and turns to me.

春兰与丝核菌共生菌根及结构研究。Ultra-structure of symbiosis mycorrhizal between cymbidium goeringii and rhizoctonia sp.

由此证明,云南文心兰和大花惠兰病毒病由建兰花叶病毒和齿兰环斑病毒中的一种或两种侵染引起。Cause of viral disease of Oncidium and Cymbidium is one or two of ORSV or CyMV in Yunnan.

唯一的胜利来自丁伟,他继春兰杯后再克李世石九段。The only victory comes from Ding Wei, he after cymbidium virens cup again gram Li Shishi.

春兰与丝核菌共生菌根及结构研究。Ultra-structure of symbiosis mycorrhiza l between cymbidium goeringii and rhizoctonia sp.

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他,来自那个神圣的地方的他,竟然会对一个小女孩说对不起,只不过是因为踩断了一朵兰花!A man from that holy place, will say sorry to a little girl, just for breaking a cymbidium !

因为兰花杂交流行的缘故,只有一小部分的兰属植物在苗圃中培育。Only a few Cymbidium species are commonly grown in nurseries, due to the popularity of hybrids.

因此,宋慈对建兰的外传做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。Accordingly, song Ci is right of sword-leaved cymbidium outside pass made graven history contribute.

天津秋季低温对大花蕙兰花芽分化有积极的影响。Low temperature in autumn in Tianjin has a positive effect on differentiation of Cymbidium flower bud.

以大花蕙兰类原球茎发生发育不同阶段的培养物为试材,采用石蜡切片法对其进行组织学研究。Anatomy study on the protocorm-like bodies formation and development of Cymbidium hybridium was conducted.

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对温度、光照、肥料、抹芽等因子对大花蕙兰成花的影响进行了研究。The effects of temperature, light, fertilizer and erasing redundant buds on blossoming of Cymbidium were studied.

去年冬天,我穿过建兰市场的天桥到路对面去,在天桥不同路段上遇到了三个乞丐。Last winter, I crossed the cymbidium market across the road to the bridge to bridge, in different sections have three.

运用计算机对中国兰花37个品种和37个形态特征性状进行了数量分类研究。In this paper, 37 varieties and 37 characters of Chinese cymbidium are studied by means of numerical taxonomic methods.