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你们的承诺不能动摇。Your commitment must not waver.

我们的决心绝不能动摇。And our determination must not waver.

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这个立场是不会动摇的。We will never waver in this position.

任何事都动摇不了我的信仰。Nothing could make me waver in my faith.

明晓得是谎言,森动的心还是开端动摇了。Figure is lies, sen heart or beginning waver.

这场战斗将会继续,我们永远不会动摇。The fight continues, and we will never waver.

他们都是些摇旗呐喊的人。They are waver of flags and shouters of slogans.

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从那时候起,我可以说我没有动摇过了。From that point on, I can say that I did not waver.

为了他们的英名,以他们的名义,我们绝不动摇。In their memory, in their name, we will never waver.

美国将矢志不渝地致力于确保全球安全。America’s commitment to global security will never waver.

杰克开始踌躇,盖恩斯短暂地让泰瑞在电话的另一端与之交谈。When Jack begins to waver Gaines briefly puts Teri on the phone.

在这束耀眼的光焰里,罗西德似乎摇摆了一下身体。In its inconvenient brightness Rosedale seemed to waver a moment.

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但是,第二天没得到军队的消息,大家的语声都显得不安起来。But next day no news came from the army, and the public voice began to waver.

此外我什么也不能给你们,你们也不应该犹豫,勇敢地独力为它战斗吧。I can offer you nothing else, nor should you waver from fighting for it alone.

我承担罪恶,孤独踟蹰,我的疯狂如同漫漫长路无尽,被风卷走复又飘落。I waver lonely with my misgiving. My madness is as long as the never-ending road.

以利亚前来对众民说,你们心持两意要到几时呢?Elijah went before the people and said, 'How long will you waver between two opinions?

前者动摇,后者坚定,前者暧昧,后者明朗。They waver while the latter stand firm, they equivocate while the latter are forthright.

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在这关键时刻,立陶宛大公国的骑兵似乎动摇了然后准备退却。At the crucial moment the horse of the grand duchy seemed to waver then went into retreat.

一位当时在场的人说,他第一次听到雷恩斯说话时声音颤抖。One person who was there says it was the first time he'd ever heard Raines 's voice waver.

我们的心,若是知道这是对的事情,我们这个心念就不要再跟著无常。Once we know the right thing to do, we should not let our thoughts waver. As I said earlier.