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没有让暴力掌权者的爪牙,找到攻击莎士比亚的借口。Has not let the violence hierarch the lackey, found attacks Shakespeare's excuse.

长老要求在成为他们所属团体的成员之前,必须要先通过一项的测试。The Hierarch says that you must pass a trial to be recognized as a member of his group.

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层次分析法是对交通运输投资进行科学决策的一种方法。To analysis on hierarch process is a scientific decision method in transportation invest.

弟子说他们说魔教教主东方不败藏在寺中,所以杀上山来。Disciple said they said the teach hierarch east dont hurt hide in the temple, so kill up to.

云南五毒教教主蓝凤凰与令狐冲一见投缘,给令狐冲疗伤。SINS of yunnan teach hierarch blue phoenix and make fox blunt saw congenial to healing linghu chong.

贾布说自己是奉了教主的命令,让任盈盈不要瞎说。JiaBu saying that he himself is to serve the hierarch commands, let let ying ying dont talk nonsense.

如果前三者都不存在呢,谁又能让这位明教教主安心与她夏听蛙鸣秋听蝉?If before 3 don't exist?And who can make the themselves with her summer listen to secure hierarch croak autumn?

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然而,在这里可以做一件在普通办公室里不能做事,那就是,大主教可以在此忏悔。Nevertheless, there is one thing that one can do here and cannot do in a regular office. Hierarch can confess here.

提出了一种基于概念层次树的主题词轮排选择的实现算法。Based on human imitation, a concept hierarch tree based rotational model is developed to choose the final subject words.

主要讨论层次分析法在科技资源配置能力综合评价指标体系中的应用原理和具体操作步骤。In this paper, the analytic hierarch process mainly on the capability of its allocation and operation approaches are discussed.

纽卡斯尔高层表示希望与凯文·基冈就他们之间尖锐的矛盾达成共识。The Newcastle United hierarch say that the club is hoping to reach a settlement to their acrimonious dispute with Kevin Keegan.

释真观是由陈人隋的高僧,也是当时著名的佛教艺术家、文学家。Shi Zhenguan is a hierarch as well as an artist of Buddhism and a litterateur living in the transitional period from Chen Dynasty to Sui Dynasty.

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教主姜世离送走已怀身孕的妻子欧阳倩,自己被蜀山镇压在禁洞中。Hierarch Jiang Shili sends the wife that already conceived pregnancy Ou Yangqian, oneself are suppressed to be in by Sichuan hill in banning a hole.

刚刚会用自动调焦的相机,就开始急于要去勾勒那些正在遭受灾难的人,想要在国际新闻摄影中占有一席之地。Having grasped the basics of auto-focus, they rush to portray human suffering, attempting to find a niche in the hierarch of international journalism.

而排在第二的众说纷芸,其中有很多人选择魔教教主东方不败。And the platoon is in second is numerous Yun saying confused, among them demon of choose of a lot of person selected teachs hierarch east indefectible.

这样,莎士比亚既机智地打击,压制了这姘头的丈夫,又躲开了暴力掌权者对莎士比亚的迫害。In this way, Shakespeare not only wit combat, suppression of this mistress 's husband, Also has shunted the violence hierarch to Shakespeare's persecution.

家族企业的创业者在企业进行新老交替时,面临着寻找和物色接班人以及顺利实现权力交接的难题——即接班问题。At the new replaces the old time, the hierarch of family enterprise faces the problem that how to find, search and culticate the successor, realize the power transfer successfully.

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选取湖南省猪肉产业链作为研究对象,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对其功能发挥效果进行评价。The paper chooses Hunan pork industry chain as study object and uses Analytic Hierarch Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to evaluate the effect of functions of industry chain.

你若曾是面壁的高僧,我必是殿前的那一炷香,焚烧着,陪伴过你一段静穆的时光。Had you been a hierarch monk meditating before the temple wall, I would have been burning in the hall as that stick of incense, in your company, for a while, with your contemplative solitude.

根据概念层次树中所包含的主题词上下位信息对待标引的文本候选主题词的权重进行调整,并扩充未出现在文本中的上位主题概念。Firstly, according to the information of the concept hierarch tree, weight of keywords which were extracted from text are adjusted, and some latent keywords which donot appear in text are recruited.