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那我们就节衣缩食吧。We'll scrimp and save.

我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。I had to scrimp and save to pay for my holiday.

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通常大多数人留给自己的时间很少。Time for yourself is often where most people tend to scrimp.

他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。They scrimp on oil as much as they can during the energy crisis.

因此不要吝啬亲吻你的女朋友,尝试用不同的方式来刺激感官。So don't scrimp on smooching your girl different ways to ramp up the sensitive factor.

因此不要吝啬亲吻你的女朋友,尝试用不同的方式来调动敏感的器官。So don't scrimp on smooching your girl different ways to ramp up the sensitive factor.

因此不要吝啬亲吻你的女朋友,尝试用不同的方式来调动敏感的器官。So don’t scrimp on smooching your girl different ways to ramp up the sensitive factor.

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我重振早期剩下的那一点信心,听到自己说“不行”。I scrimp together leftover bits of backbone from an earlier era and hear myself say no.

穷人仍要排队领取政府补贴的面包,要省吃俭用才能买一双鞋。The poor still queue for government-subsidised bread and must scrimp and save to buy a pair of shoes.

公司迅速缩减资本支出,而消费者会放弃购买新车而非在食物或医疗健康方面减少开支。Firms are quick to scale back capital spending and consumers skip new cars rather than scrimp on food or healthcare.

尽管飞涨的物价让打工者叫苦不迭,但他们说如果精打细算一些,还是可以存下部分工资的。Despite bitter complaints about soaring prices, workers say they can scrimp enough to save at least a chunk of their wages.

但是他们越是在投资上节省资金,失业也就会更多,特别是在年轻人之中,这将会是日本萎靡不振的意识进一步恶化。And yet the more they scrimp on investment, the more joblessness, especially among the young, will deepen Japan’s sense of malaise.

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有调查表明,私企老板们为达到盈利目标或付给投资者较大额的股息红利,而选择缩减研发成本。There is survey evidence that bosses choose to scrimp on R&D in order to hit earnings targets or to pay larger dividends to investors.

在上个月的一个新闻发布会上,丰田章男说之前的扩展推进可能导致了质量下滑,例如危害它实时的产品系统。At a press conference last month, Mr. Toyoda said the previous expansion push may have caused it to scrimp on quality, compromising its just-in-time production system, for example.