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不要给百合花镀金/,衰草枯杨。Don't gild the lily.

不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。Don't gild the lily.

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有多少诗人把黄金镀上流逝的时间!How many bards gild the lapses of time!

把它染上颜色、涂上真金paint it with colors, gild it with gold

螺旋桨上喷涂的是有机硅防污涂料。Propeller paint is really gild the lily?

这一评论就是多此一举。Comment on this would be to gild the lily.

谈论日落之美是多此一举。To talk about the beautiful sunset is to gild the lily.

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她健康而漂亮,富有使这些天赋更加熠熠生辉。She had health and beauty, and money to gild these gifts.

漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。在这些教材中出现过…For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily.

太阳将这些镀金的圆屋顶变成了闪耀的光点。The sun transform the gild cupola into dazzling point of light.

对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆简直就是画蛇添足。For such a beautiful girl to use make-up would be to gild the lily.

贝巴和鲁尼如今蓄势待发,欧文也可以为曼联锦上添花。With Dimitar Berbatov and Wayne Rooney primed to flower anew, Owen can gild the lily.

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女性群体和零食的关系,已被作家们反复吟咏多次了,这里就不画蛇添足了。Female groups and snacks relations, has been writers repeatedly intoned times, there is no gild the lily.

经过会长的密封盖章之后,行会的卷档和钱财应有管事保管。The steward ought to keep the rolls and treasures of the gild under the seal of the alderman of the gild.

拉波尔塔,这位即将卸任的巴塞罗那主席,希望通过引进比利亚和法布雷加斯而再在他的成绩单写上漂亮的一笔。Joan Laporta, the outgoing Barcelona president, wants to add Fábregas to the signing of David Villa from Valencia to gild his legacy.

公会集会之时,除非得到执事的许可,行会中的任何人都不得到城外做生意。And when the gild is sitting, no one who is of the gild shall go outside the town for any business, without the permission of the steward.

由于历史书中下一节的内容特别枯燥,老师决定放一部有关的电影以提高大家的兴趣。As the next section in the history textbook is especially dull, the teacher, just to gild the pill, is going to show a film related to that section.

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演艺人协会会员昨晚深夜在养和医院四楼预订房间,在医院宣布梅艳芳死亡后,举行记者会凌晨时份向外公布她的死讯。The Gild of HK Performing Artistes already booked a room on the 4th floor of HK Sanatorium , and held the press conference announcing this bad news.

从这些论点来看,妇女被迫呆在家里看孩管家,受益最大的无疑是社会。From these contentions, there can be not mistrust that gild is prizewinning served when women are coerced to linger at family and see after their babies.

其次,部分中国行会明显带有同乡会的性质,具有经济职能的工商业会馆便是这类行会组织的典型代表。Secondly, some Chinese gilds were apparently native-place organizations. The craft and commerce gildhall with economic functions was a model of this kind of gild organizations.