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芬兰赫尔辛基站内之特快车。An express train in Helsinki Station, Finland.

请问我在那里转机去郝尔辛基?Excuse me, Where could I Transfer to Helsinki?

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于是斯塔伯与另一位福克斯高层一同飞往赫尔辛基。So Stalbow and another Fox executive flew to Helsinki.

家庭生活在赫尔辛基城市中的概念〉,1998。Tian, L. L. "The Concept of Home in the City of Helsinki . " 1998.

1991年,莱纳斯•托瓦尔兹还是赫尔辛基大学的一名学生。In 1991, Linus Torvalds was a student at the University of Helsinki.

尼科·文尊蒂亚斯供职于隶属市政府的赫尔辛基能源公司。Niko Wirgentius is with a city-owned company called Helsinki Energy.

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在荷兰,赫尔辛基市正与埃因得霍文市激烈竞争。Helsinki was competing with the city of Eindhoven in The Netherlands.

芬兰南部的城市,位于赫尔辛基郊区。人口152,929。A town of southern Finland, a suburb of Helsinki. Population, 152, 929.

以枞树枝和圣诞灯装扮的街道。Fir tree branches and Christmas lights decorate this street in Helsinki.

从赫尔辛基到塔林这条线路只花两小时,最低票价是23欧元。The Helsinki –Tallinn run only takes 2 hours and prices start at 23 EUR.

在斯德哥尔摩与赫尔辛基之间你可以经由诗雅丽号换船,这只需要一整晚。You can jump an overnight ship between Stockholm and Helsinki via Silja.

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赫尔辛基变成了一个繁荣的港口,在图尔库还建成了一所大学。Helsinki became a flourishing port, and a university was founded at Turku.

在斯德哥尔摩小住几日后,一天晚上,我搭乘夜班渡轮前往赫尔辛基。After a couple of days in Stockholm, I took an overnight ferry to Helsinki.

亨里克拥有从技术,赫尔辛基大学的硕士学位工程。Henrik holds a MS in Engineering from the University of Technology, Helsinki.

原苏联欧洲部分西北部一城市,位于芬兰湾畔,与赫尔辛基隔海相望。A city of northwest European U. S. S. R. on the Gulf of Finland opposite Helsinki.

这个赫尔辛基式模型甚至还有一块房前休息区,房主可以坐在这里,享受阳光的沐浴。The Helsinki model even has a decking area where homeowners can sit and soak up the sun.

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赫尔辛基地方法院的一位官员证实对范约基申诉的听证会将在5月15日举行。Helsinki district court official confirmed that Vanjoki's appeal would be heard on May 15.

当时世上有一个名为赫尔辛基的地方,那里住着一个名叫李纳斯·托沃兹的年青学者。Now in those days there was in the land of Helsinki a young scholar named Linus the Torvald.

哈洛宁在赫尔辛基站登车,普京则于晚些时候在边境城镇维堡上车。Halonen in Helsinki station boarding, Putin is in the border town of Vyborg later in the car.