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现在的买办恶势力就是汉奸。Today's evil comprador forces are traitors.

接着党决定把这个印度卖办和大地主作为目标。Then the party decided to target this Indian comprador and landowner.

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这个过程现在已不需要中国的美元买办们再配合了。This process is now China does not need the U. S. to re-tie the comprador.

这里主要谈的是上层或者买办资产阶级。We have been speaking here mainly about the upper or comprador bourgeoisie.

买办研究是有助于我们了解近代中国的一个重要课题。Exploration on the comprador is an important topic to understand modern age China.

第一种力量是地主阶级和买办性的大资产阶级。The first force is the landlord class and the comprador big bourgeoisie in nature.

令人惊奇的是,哈马斯在大选中的获胜让这种买办阶级做法原形毕现。The victory of Hamas in the elections has caught this comprador class by surprise.

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他虽然寄身买办阶层,但和一般买办并不气味相投。Although he be subjected comprador class, but it is not similar goals and general comprador.

在此之后,买办资本家赵伯韬与吴取得联系,希望与之合作。After this, zhao Baitao and Wu Qu must contact comprador capitalist, the hope cooperates to it.

刚来上海的时候,看到满眼的欧美建筑,洋奴风气,很不服气。Shanghai first got here, and see eyeful of construction, lavish comprador culture, not to worry.

买办资产阶级始终是帝国主义的走狗,革命的对象。The comprador -bourgeoisie is always a running dog of imperialism and a target of the revolution.

买办变成富有的同义字,以及小店主们必须敬畏看待的权势象徵。The comprador became a synonym for wealth and was a lordly figure on whom petty shopkeepers looked with awe.

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之后不久,他就成了世界化学的超级集团德国法本集团在中国的总买办。Soon after, he became the world's super groups chemical Germany and France of the Group in China total comprador.

少数行政执法人员、少数国有企业法人代表可能蜕变为买办寻租者。A minority of executive and state run enterprise legal persons will be likely to change to comprador rent seekers.

问题摆在民族资产阶级、买办阶级和地主阶级面前,摆在国民党面前,又是怎样的呢?But how do the national bourgeoisie, the comprador and landlord classes , and the Kuomintang face up to this question?

更重要的是,他争取到一个买办身份,至少回国之后可以暂时免遭缉拿治罪。More importantly, he secured a comprador identity, at least after returning home can temporarily from arrest conviction.

这是由官僚买办阶级与平民无产者构成的哑铃模式。This is the comprador class by the bureaucracy and the civilian population constitutes a proletarian mode of the dumbbell.

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本文以时间为线索论述唐廷枢由洋行买办向民族资本家的转变过程。This thesis threads by the time the story of Mr TangTingsu"s change from a comprador of foreign firms to a national capitalist."

在中国,封建土地制度是帝国主义和封建买办势力反动统治的重要基础。In China, the feudal land system was the important foundation of imperialism and reactionary forces in the comprador feudal rule.

我们坚决反对殖民地文化,反对买办性的封建主义文化,而为新民主主义的政治目的服务。We resolutely oppose colonial culture and comprador feudal culture and are working to achieve the political goals of New Democracy.