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弄弯我的脚趾!Bent my toe!

他屈从于她的愿望。He bent to her wishes.

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他一心想取得成功。He was bent on success.

一位弯着腿的女士。A lady resting, leg bent.

船工们拼命划桨。Boatmen bent to the oars.

他只曲身于利润之前。He bent only upon profit.

他对她俯下身去。He bent over towards her.

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他使他们服从他的意志。He bent them to his will.

她生性爱好音乐。She has a bent for music.

海岸线向南延伸。The coastline bent south.

他只屈身于利润之前。He bent solely upon profit.

我们已经扭曲了德国的射束。We had bent the German beam.

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他和他兄弟情如手足。Both hands and feet are bent.

他哈腰系鞋带。He bent over to tie his shoe.

我歪倒在一个工作台上。I bent sideways over a bench.

甩掉这根弯钻杆。Lay down this bent drill pipe.

那男孩子撅过屁股来挨藤条打。The boy bent over to be caned.

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他把那弯曲的金属片弄直了。He straightened the bent strip.

她那弯弯的背是慢慢形成的。The bent back developed slowly.

树木随风弯曲。The trees bent before the wind.