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后现代是现代的一部分吗?。Is Post- Modernity a Part of Modernity?

这里已经不再具有不言而喻的现代性。Modernity is no longer self-evidently here.

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高架公路——现代性的象征?The Elevated Highway – a Symbol of Modernity?

文化现代性的时空维度。The time-space dimension of cultural modernity.

它具有真正开放的现代性。It is provided with the true exoteric modernity.

传统遇到了现代事物,并被其重新诠释。Tradition meets modernity and is re-interpreted.

林徽因的小说理论虽然零散,却十分具有现代性。Lin Huiyin's fiction theory is of great modernity.

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对于现代主义的意涵,一直以来人们莫衷一是。Art has been a product of modernization and modernity.

从某些方面看,弗里曼似乎与现代生活有些脱节。In some ways Freeman seems out of phase with modernity.

现代性是多义、流动和不断进化的。Modernity is multi-meaningful, liquid-like and evolving.

后现代反科学思潮何以出现?。Why Do the Anti-Science Thoughts of Post Modernity Occur?

失却了对自然的意识,“做人”在现代性教育中丧失了。"To be human" has been lost in the education in modernity.

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在这种格律中,我们也能感受到弗罗斯特的现代性。In that meter, too, we're hearing some of Frost's modernity.

接触大众媒体对教师的现代性没有影响。Five factors have diffrent effect on some sides of modernity.

现如今,我们更有可能在造访亚洲时被其现代化程度吓一跳。Trips to Asia are now more likely to startle us with modernity.

索尔•贝娄小说富有现代性意蕴。There're full of modernity implications in Saul Bellow's novels.

后现代是针对现代性的基本原则展开批判的。Post-modernity unfolds its critique on the principle of modernity.

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引言重在廓清“现代性”的概念。The introduction put emphasis on clearing the tation of modernity.

它舒适,庄重,时尚并且独领风骚!It has comfort, grandeur, tincture of modernity and above all style!

这让我想到廖炳惠的「神秘现代」概念。This leads me to consider Ping-hui Liao's idea of "mythic modernity."