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他们在谈植物学。They were discussing botany.

这辆车云不去植物园?Does this bus go to the botany?

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植物学论述植物的研究。Botany deals with the study of plants.

你在破坏我的植物学实验!You' re wrecking my botany experiment!

你对植物学的兴趣达到什么程度?To what degree are you interested in botany?

他主要对植物学和鸟类学感兴趣。His main interests are botany and ornithology.

在植物学领域,这些最早的著作是本草书。The first of these in the field of botany were the herbals.

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纪念我国植物学的奠基人钱崇澍教授诞辰一百周年。In memory of the founder of Chinese modern botany Prof. C. S.

1982年以前他一直是达勒姆大学生物系的高级讲师。Until 1982 he was senior lecturer in botany at Durham University.

属于、有关或具有由担子孢子制造出的孢子特征。Botany of or relating to or characterized by spores produced by basidia.

回忆北平研究院植物研究所。Recollections of botany research workshop in Beiping Research Institute.

她回到了约旦,在那里她和一位植物学讲师结婚,并且生了3个孩子。She returned to Jordan, where she married a botany lecturer and had three children.

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论述了麻竹植物学和生物学特性。The thesis expounded Dendrocalamus Latiflorus characteristic of botany and biology.

该课程由“药用植物学”,“生药学”两门课组成,由于教改需要,现合并为一门课。The course is composed of such two parts as Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy.

成熟期开花或结实,从蔷薇结长为花柄。Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.

现在,Akrit正在攻读动物学,植物学和生物学的学士学位。Currently, Akrit is working toward a bachelor’s degrees in zoology, botany and chemistry.

院区种植于植物所北侧排球场四周。Cultivated around the outdoor volleyball court, located at the N side of Institute of Botany.

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设计采用了简单的环保概念,资深植物学馆长法兰克阿尔米达说明。The design is based around simple green concepts. Senior botany curator, Frank Almeda, explains.

花雌蕊花柱顶部,授粉时花粉被旋转于此。Botany The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.

每个25长的突触顶端嵌有由昆明植物园提供的种子。Encased at the tip of each 25-foot-long rod are seeds provided by China’s Kunming Institute of Botany.