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菲律宾棉兰老岛南岸港口。The south bank of the Philippines Mindanao ports.

埃尔哈辛托是棉兰老岛出版社和政治分析专家。Al Jacinto is a Mindanao publisher and political analyst.

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“纳沙”同时还会影响棉兰老岛南部地区。"Neuchatel" also will affect the southern Mindanao region.

让我们到了“棉兰老岛”的问题,并看到这一切是如何开始的。Let us visit the "Mindanao" problem and see how it all began.

只有最激烈战斗的棉兰老不能被征服。Only the fiercest fighters of Mindanao could not be conquered.

死亡者大多数来自棉兰老岛南部的主要岛屿。Most of the dead are from the main southern island of Mindanao.

爆炸地点位于南部棉兰老岛的哥打巴托市。The bomb went off in Cotabato city on the southern island of Mindanao.

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两个团体的成员发现与摩伊和对棉兰老岛天堂的世外桃源。Members of both groups have found sanctuary with the MILF and a haven on Mindanao.

这两个组织的摩罗伊斯兰自由阵线的庇护,在棉兰老岛有避风港所。Members of both groups have found sanctuary with the MILF and a haven on Mindanao.

零次余震分别为7.2和7.1在梅兰老岛附近海域造成颠簸。Two aftershocks measuring 7.2 and 7.1 jolted the sea area near the Mindanao Island.

这六架飞机将会增强政府在棉兰老岛的反叛战斗的能力。The six aircraft will boost the government's counter-insurgency campaign in Mindanao.

那古龙戏珍珠之趣和撑掩苍天的峨峨博冠。Gulong show that the pearl of heaven cover interest and support of the Mindanao Mindanao Bosma.

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维萨亚群岛就象洒落在吕宋岛和棉兰老岛之间的翡翠和蓝宝石。THE VISAYAS are emerald and sapphire jewels dotting the land and seascape between Luzon and Mindanao.

两年前的这一天,总共有57人,其中包括32名新闻记者,在菲律宾南部棉兰老岛遇害。Two years ago, some 57 people, including 32 media workers, were killed in the southern island, Mindanao.

现在从全省的棉兰老岛,我爱读的回应,并在同一时间,学习它。Iam from the province of mindanao and i loved reading the responses and at the same time learning from it.

菲律宾南部一岛屿,位于婆罗洲东北。该岛西边界为棉兰老海。An island of the southern Philippines northeast of Borneo. The Mindanao Sea borders the island on the west.

棉兰老岛菲律宾南部一岛屿,位于婆罗洲东北。该岛西边界为棉兰老海。An island of the southern philippines northeast of borneo. the mindanao sea borders the island on the west.

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被劫人质来自棉兰老岛上南阿古桑省的一个村庄及当地一所学校。The hostages were from a village in Agusan del Sur province on Mindanao island and the local village school.

经过两个小时的车程,刘德华一行抵达了向峨乡的救援部队驻地。After two hours by car, Andy Lau and his entourage arrived in the Mindanao Rural to the rescue forces resident.

除了吕宋岛和棉兰老岛之外,别的群岛的岛屿实际上是淹没着山脉露出水面的山峰。Except for luzon and mindanao the islands of the archipelago are actually the crests of submerged mountain ranges.