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有些人倾向于将这样的问题斥为耸人听闻。Some people are inclined to dismiss such questions as alarmist.

加来,但是,认为莱奥甘的外观“是没有理由是危言耸听。”Calais, however, thinks the Léogâne's appearance "is no reason to be alarmist."

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若瑟卡危言耸听的告诉希瓦如果不能和他结婚,珍佳然宁愿去死。Joseph alarmist told shiva if you cant marry him, Jane but would rather go to dead.

诚然,这个主意将会激起右派的反对,但我认为这只是危言耸听的噱头。This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle.

诚然,这个主意将会激起右派的反对,但我认为这只是危言耸听的噱头。This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle. England once ran the world.

“我不想成为一个危机预报学家,就只因为我们拥有一个水晶球,所以称我们已经知道未来事态,”Maslowski博士如此说到。"I'm not trying to be alarmist and not trying to say 'we know the future because we have a crystal ball'," said Dr Maslowski.

可是因为所有这些危言耸听的言论,华盛顿的政客们感到肩负通过某个方案的重任,即使于事无补也在所不惜。But because of all the alarmist rhetoric, politicians in Washington feel obligated to pass something, even if it doesn’t help.

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虽然有些人将这位52岁的人看作一位杞人忧天者,他的理论在科学界得到越来越多的认可。While some dismiss the 52-year-old as an alarmist crank, his theory is steadily gaining credibility in the scientific community.

安杰尔认为企业赞助的法案会忽视消费者的利益,食品商人也将安杰尔视为令自己忧心忡忡的恶魔。Angell thought business-sponsored bills were too unmindful of the consumer, whereas businessmen thought Angell a devilish alarmist.

如果我做出修正使地图上的更多地方变蓝,那就可能会有让大家认为这件事是我有意制造出来危言耸听的,从而对事情本身失去信任的危险。If I were to make corrections that make more bits of the map shaded blue, then I would run the risk of having the whole thing discredited as alarmist.

在世界和奥巴马政府进入2010年之际,对阿富汗战争的棘手之处表示担忧,并非愚蠢或杞人忧天。As the world and the Obama administration move into 2010, it is not foolish or alarmist to express concern about the intractability of the Afghan ulcer.

看起来似乎是这些日子互联网新闻上的头条,要么就是更危言耸听一点的“中国要把我们全杀光吗?”seems to be a popular headline question on Internet message boards these days, rivaled only perhaps by the slightly more alarmist "Is China trying to kill us all?"

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IPCC报告中的错误导致该专门小组和帕乔里受到世界各地那些认为全球变暖理论是危言耸听的科学家和怀疑论者的尖锐批评。The error in the IPCC report led to sharp criticism of the panel and its chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, by scientists and sceptics worldwide who believe global warming theories are alarmist.

或是如麻省理工学院的气候学家理查德•林曾近日在华尔街日报的专论文章中所述,全球变暖已经被歪曲成某种“危言耸听者所谓的大暴风”?Or has global warming been spun into an "alarmist gale, " as Richard Lindzen, a climatologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal oped article?

尽管鲜有证据支持来这些预测,但是人们还是害怕如果一失足,就会引起一系列的多米诺效应。Despite a dearth of evidence to support these alarmist predictions, it's almost impossible to quash the fear that a single setback in a strategic backwater will unleash a cascade of falling dominoes.